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Posts posted by Sull

  1. Well I have a few...

    Just recently bought an iPod Touch 2G 16gb ( posting from this right now )

    I have an OQO Model 2 which is a very small micropc/umpc, this may be replaced by my touch, I never thought a device could be so productive... for my needs that is.

    I as well have a Corsair Voyager 8gb and like Star Trek haha

    Hmm I bought a broken Fujitsu u2010 note for cheap and currently in the works of fixing this device, I recieved a pcie ssd which I am going to test tonight :)

    That is all I can think of now!

  2. I like this one, the context menu when you right click My Computer

    This one if for Standby, I use psshutdown.exe because when hibernate is enabled you don't have the option to Standby when using this command "rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState"

    @="psshutdown.exe -d -t 0"

  3. I was told it was removed because it is old, umm since rick has stopped working on this and now bober has taken over, he has renamed it to XPtsp and you can check that out HERE I am sure you will be satisfied with this.

    If you still would like to try the late V'ISO I am sure I could upload it for you... that's if I still have a original version, I edited a few files for my own liking...

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