Version 3.4
Removed 7za, now the script will use installed 7zip instead (you must have 7Zip installed).
No need to extract the themes anymore, the script will take care of it.
Updated 7zsd.sfx to 1.70.3900.
Rar Unlocker is only needed if the archive is locked. You can launch it, it have a GUI.
I don't know what is the problem with your Windows install, maybe you should try to install a version without any modifications.
You can also try to run the maker in a virtual machine if you're familiar with.
I've made a new version of the script, rewritten from scratch.
No more 7zip SFX, instead the WinRAR installer is updated with WinRAR (WinRAR must be installed).
No need to uncompress the themes, the script will do it for you.
Dropped support for multi arch, as WinRAR will only be 64 bits starting with 7.10 anyways.
Dropped support for nLite/RVMi addon cration, not needed anymore.
This script should work with any version of WinRAR.
I had to include RAR Unlocker as the WinRAR installers are often locked.
And still:
support for rarreg.key
support for adding custom registry keys.
Read the included readme.txt for more information.
The script should not trigger any false positives from AV, but the created installer could be blocked by your AV, if it's the case, add it to the exclusions (or pause real-time protection before running it).
For now it's considered beta, and I will keep v3.3 in the front page.
Please test it and report if it works for you.
If the only thing you need is to add the key file, you can update the setup with this command (adapt the names) :
"%Programfiles%\WinRAR\Rar.exe" a winrar-x64-701fr.exe rarreg.key
Then use the switch /S to install it silently.
I tried by stoping Defender, Mooms but the result was the same-real suprice-I never got any problem with sfxmakers-I got winrar and mozzila.Mozzial is ok,but winrar still show me the same message.By the way is any chance to see maker for waterfox for different languages???Or only with availible packs?Thanks Mooos-you are the best global mod dude!Keep going!
Maybe your AV is blocking the file.
I've created a Bulgarian version and it installs fine, here it is:
Can you share the sfx created ?
After so many years, I still feel that this feature is highly needed! The registry tweak is still one of the best parts of Win Toolkit. So Lego, please add it, and I hope that won't be too time consuming. THANKS!!
Hey guys,
Apologies, I received a email quickly after I had uploaded it and fixed it then. It was caused by incorrect Obfuscater settings..
Sorry again.
Well..I found one more way to use this wonderful tool.
Using DISM++ I just mount iso,than I just turn on All In One Integrator and Toolkit automatically detect that there is a mount image and start working!!!Yo can try it if you want!
I first noticed with 8u20 that the 64bit version when extracted had different file names so the rename commands failed. ren "%~dp0JRE_TEMP64\%JAVAFN64%_101_JAVA_INSTALLER.bin" jre64_inst.msi ren "%~dp0JRE_TEMP64\%JAVAFN64%_102_JAVA_INSTALLER.bin"
needed to be changed to ren "%~dp0JRE_TEMP64\%JAVAFN64%_105_JAVA_INSTALLER.bin" jre64_inst.msi ren "%~dp0JRE_TEMP64\%JAVAFN64%_103_JAVA_INSTALLER.bin"
Then with 8u25, the files did not extract correctly, so I changed the script (see below) to launch the exe(s) and then grab the msi from the profile temp and then kill the exe(s). It seems to work nicely so far.
The lines in bold are where the changes can be found.
@echo off setlocal enableextensions if not exist "%~dp0bin\7za.exe" goto :No7za if not exist "%~dp0bin\JavaInst.sfx" goto :No7SFX if not exist "%~dp0bin\ResourcesExtract.exe" goto :NoResExtr SET SZ="%~dp0bin\7za.exe" if exist "%~dp0jre-*-windows-i586.exe" GOTO :X86 if not exist "%~dp0jre-*-windows-i586.exe" GOTO :X64
:X86 if exist "%~dp0jre-*-windows-x64.exe" GOTO :DUAL set JAVAFILE= for %%j in (%~dp0jre-*-windows-i586.exe) do call :GETJAVAVER %%~nxj if "%JAVAFILE%"=="" goto :NoJavaInst for /f "delims=- tokens=2" %%j in ("%JAVAFILE%") do set JAVAVER=%%j SET MAJ=%JAVAVER:~0,1% SET MIN=%JAVAVER:~2,3% if exist "%~dp0JRE_TEMP" rmdir /s /q "%~dp0JRE_TEMP" mkdir "%~dp0JRE_TEMP" ::start /w "Unpacking JRE..." "%~dp0bin\ResourcesExtract.exe" /Source "%~dp0%JAVAFILE%" /DestFolder "%~dp0JRE_TEMP" /ExtractIcons 0 /ExtractCursors 0 /ExtractBitmaps 0 /ExtractHTML 0 /ExtractManifests 0 /ExtractAnimatedIcons 0 /ExtractAnimatedCursors 0 /ExtractAVI 0 /ExtractTypeLib 0 /ExtractBinary 1 /ScanSubFolders 0 /FileExistMode 1 /OpenDestFolder 0 ::ren "%~dp0JRE_TEMP\%JAVAFN%_101_JAVA_INSTALLER.bin" jre_inst.msi ::ren "%~dp0JRE_TEMP\%JAVAFN%_102_JAVA_INSTALLER.bin" ::del /f /q "%~dp0JRE_TEMP\%JAVAFN%*"
:NoJavaInst echo ================================================================================ echo ================================================================================ echo. JRE x86 and/or x64 redistributable not found. echo. Place it/them in the same directory than this script. echo. Correct JRE install name for x86 is "jre-XuXX-windows-i586.exe". echo. Correct JRE install name for x64 is "jre-XuXX-windows-x64.exe". echo ================================================================================ echo ================================================================================ pause goto :eof
:NoResExtr echo ================================================================================ echo ================================================================================ echo. NirSoft ResourcesExtract not found. Download and unpack it in "bin" directory. echo. Get it here - echo ================================================================================ echo ================================================================================ pause goto :eof
:No7za echo ================================================================================ echo ================================================================================ echo. 7za.exe not found. Download and unpack it in "bin" directory. echo. Get it here - echo ================================================================================ echo ================================================================================ pause goto :eof
:No7SFX echo ================================================================================ echo ================================================================================ echo. JavaInst.sfx not found. Place it in "bin" directory. echo ================================================================================ echo ================================================================================ pause goto :eof