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Everything posted by NIM

  1. Has anyone of you managed to run MMC Console or used AdminPack on latest build of Vista (5728)? It seems that I can't load few snap-ins, just wondering is it me or is it Vista
  2. Really interesting article.. Read HERE.
  3. And if I may add, make the smooth edges like you did on yours and mine signature :naughty:
  4. IP telephony offers a viable alternative to voice exchange, delivering improved application integration, scalability, and multi-site management. Learn about the features and benefits of implementing an IP-based voice communication system. ShoreTel recognizes the challenges of defining a communication strategy that spans multiple domains and this guide is intended to help. If anyone interested you can download free 80 page IP Telephony guide HERE.
  5. I read that it will be available this friday..So, we'll wait and see
  6. NIM


    Yo Nitro, welcome to the forums.. :welcome:
  7. It's workin', just tried yesterday.. :thumbsup:
  8. I'm using Logitech MX1000 and the mouse is very good, although now I have some problems with charging, sometimes it won't charge when you put it on the charger, you have to clean the contacts and try at least dozen times to put it on to achieve this.. Performace is preety good even in FPS games like UT2004..
  9. don't know why this thread has been locked?
  10. In a few day, you guys will create Vista from XP :naughty: Looks very nice :thumbsup:
  11. This is repaired in the Internet Explorer 7 RC1..Working better now..
  12. These images are the result of 8 years in the retail computer industry - 8 years that are thankfully behind me. I used to work in the service department in a retail store of a very famous computer company (think cows...). During this time, I was able to observe (and preserve for posterity) the aftereffects of the - shall we say - "technology challenged" folks. My friends and relatives couldn't believe the stories I told - thus this collection of photos. Thanks to everyone who has written about this site. I am thrilled to be able to lighten the day of so many people around the world!! Many thanks to Stag Hosting for providing a new home for SCT!!! Be sure to drop by and visit by clicking the link at the bottom of the page! Best Wishes, Rod Shelley LINK
  13. Another article which is related to anti-piracy project for Vista can be read here. Although we're gone to :offtopic:
  14. Google has created a search site without any Google branding to test new features. The site, SearchMash, has a simple blue and white interface with a search bar and an option to click on "popular searches." Once keywords are entered, the results page features links to results running down the left side of the page and the top three image results on the right side. Link to the article here. Check SearchMash
  15. I really don't think that Microsoft will spend much time for SP3 genuine validation considering that SP2 was released with no protection at all.. But the issue now is Vista genuine validation. Microsoft is planing to protect it more now than any OS before, which could lead to Microsoft labeling legitimate copies of Windows as
  16. Why do you want do put it on the server?? :shocking:
  17. Another nice wallpaper, stop it! :clap:
  18. People who like F.E.A.R. and other DeathMatch games will be happy with the news from Sierra Entertainment.
  19. NIM

    Web Links

    If you have or visit some good web links you can submit them on the WinCert homepage. There are few categories which helps to divide the links so feel free to use it :thumbsup:
  20. Very nice Rick, can you please send me that wallpaper. Also, can you tell me what do you use for skinning and what theme is this. Your sidebar looks awesome.. :thumbsup:
  21. Thx Tain, glad to see you here again mate! :welcome:
  22. Should we close this semptember desktops and choose the best one? :glare:
  23. WinCert is moved and new server is showing much better performance.. Some users might still be unable to access it since their ISP DNS still isn't updated with it's DNS records. Anyway, in 1-2 days everybody should be able to access WinCert.. I'd like your comments on our new server performance in comparition with the old one.. Thx
  24. Yup, you're not the only one who asked me this question. This sentence I quoted can be wrongly interpreted, I should've write it better
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