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Everything posted by mooms

  1. Version 3.3 Mise à jour de 7za en v2408 Ajout de la version 64 bits de 7za Mise à jour du script pour utiliser 7za 64 bits sur les OS 64 bits Suppression de la compression UPX sur le module SFX pour éviter les faux-positifs sur certains AV
  2. Version 3.3 Updated 7za to v2408 Added 64 bit version of 7za Updated the script to use 64 bit 7za on 64 bit OS Removed UPX compression on 7zsd sfx module to avoid AV false positives
  3. The downloader is not maintained anymore, you can find Windows 7 iso in Internet Archive.
  4. Version 24.09.30 ReNamer 7.6 HWiNFO 8.12 Don't Sleep 9.59 Ajout de Textify
  5. Salut @cyberyeye merci pour le nouveau lien, j'ai mis à jour les deux scripts. Version 5.5: Mise à jour des scripts pour prendre en compte les changements d'URL du côté de Mozilla. Mise à jour de aria2c, 7za, du module SFX et de son icône.
  6. Version 24.09.18 Le setup demande désormais si vous souhaitez une installation pour l'utilisateur actuel ou pour tous les utilisateurs. Cela n'impacte que les raccourcis. Si vous installez le setup silencieusement, ajoutez l'argument /ALLUSERS ou /CURRENTUSER ScreenToGif 2.41.1 USB Device Tree Viewer V4.4.1 CPU-Z 2.11
  7. Version 24.09.07 WinScan2PDF 8.93 USB Device Tree Viewer V4.4.0 Don't Sleep 9.56.1 HWMonitor 1.54 QuickSetDNS v1.36 + trad fr GPU-Z v2.60.0 HWiNFO 8.10 DNSDataView v1.75.1 + trad fr CrystalDiskInfo 9.4.4
  8. Windows 11 iso can be downloaded from the Microsoft website from any browser.
  9. Version 24.07.30 CPU-Z 2.10 CrystalDiskInfo 9.3.2 DNSDataView v1.75 HWMonitor 1.54 HWiNFO 8.06 LiveTcpUdpWatch v1.55 + trad fr PingInfoView 3.15 + trad fr Process Monitor 4.01 USB Device Tree Viewer 4.3.2 WinScan2PDF 8.88 WizTree 4.20 Suppression des fichiers chm de Autoruns, Process Explorer et Process Monitor, qui ont une aide en ligne Ajout de PngOptimizer 2.7 (optimisation de fichiers PNG, et conversion à partir de fichiers BMP, GIF et TGA.)
  10. mooms

    Hello! :D

    Welcome here Ricky
  11. This is an old topic, not maintained anymore. You can use Abbodi repack: https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist/releases/
  12. Version 24.06.03 CrystalDiskInfo 9.3.0 Don't Sleep 9.51 GPU-Z v2.59.0 HWiNFO v8.02 PingInfoView 3.05 Process Explorer v17.06 Resizer 2.2 Rufus 4.5 USB Device Tree Viewer 4.2.6 UninstallView 1.51 WinScan2PDF 8.81
  13. https://massgrave.dev/genuine-installation-media
  14. Why not using Simplix Update Pack, as suggested ?
  15. Probably because it's a short domain name. Maybe you could use some other free or cheap domain name.
  16. No, but you can download it from archive.org as stated.
  17. Version 24.04.02 Autoruns v14.11 CPU-Z 2.09 CrystalDiskInfo 9.2.3 CrystalDiskMark 8.0.5 HWMonitor 1.53 HWiNFO v8.00 RegScanner v2.75 ScreenToGif 2.41 USB Device Tree Viewer 4.2.0 WifiHistoryView 1.65 WinScan2PDF 8.72 WizTree 4.19
  18. You should find an older machine to use Windows 7, and use 10 or 11 on this one.
  19. You can try to boot to this: https://sergeistrelec.name/winpe-10-8-sergei-strelec-english/
  20. mooms

    Hello! :D

    Hi jvalzert, welcome to Wincert forums !
  21. Maybe you can try with a proxy/VPN ? You can also try bugmenot: https://bugmenot.com/view/forums.mydigitallife.net
  22. Hello and welcome here, What is the purpose of running such an old OS on such a machine ? With this tool, you can install Windows 7 with the boot.wim of Windows 7, maybe that will help with installation: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/mdl-win-7-tool-for-simplix-updatepack-aio-iso-with-install-wim-esd-creation.79421/
  23. Version 24.02.01 CrystalDiskInfo 9.2.2 CurrPorts v2.77 + traduction Fr Don't Sleep 9.47 GPU-Z v2.57.0 HWiNFO v7.70 Rufus 4.4 ScreenToGif 2.40.1 ( Nécessite .Net 8, incompatible avec Windows 7 ) USB Device Tree Viewer 4.0 WizTree 4.17 + mise à jour du SFX pour Windows 7.
  24. Version 23.11.20 Suppression de Keyfreeze 32 bits Suppression de hdtune.exe Suppression de Resource Hacker CrystalDiskInfo 9.2.0 CurrPorts v2.76 HWiNFO v7.64 PingInfoView v3.01 + fichier de langue Resource Hacker Rufus 4.3 WinScan2PDF 8.68 WizTree 4.16
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