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Everything posted by Mr_Smartepants

  1. It's not a proper "rollup" in that you still need to integrate over 120+ security updates into Win7 in addition to KB2775511 to have an up-to-date image. KB2775511 only collates about 90 (mostly superseded) really old hotfixes into one update.
  2. It's not a proper "rollup" in that you still need to integrate over 120+ security updates into Win7 in addition to KB2775511 to have an up-to-date image. KB2775511 only collates about 90 (mostly superseded) really old hotfixes into one update.
  3. ATI/AMD and Nvidia graphics drivers need to be "tweaked" before you can integrate them. DriverPacks.net has already done this for you. Here are the latest beta packs: 64-bit: http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=6619 32-bit: http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=6612 What OS are you trying to use? AMD CL_*.inf files are only for Vista, CW_*.inf files are only for Win7, and CE_*.inf files are only for Win8.
  4. You could use WPIW for the 2nd disc.
  5. KB2822218 doesn't exist anywhere other than McRips site. Are you sure that's a real hotfix? It's not even available for email request from MS servers.
  6. "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver /Driver:"%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers /Recurse This line is missing the end quote from the /Driver: path. Should be: "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver /Driver:"%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers" /Recurse
  7. The McRip links are getting redirected to Microsoft.com. :dizzy:
  8. If you had read the instructions for SAD2 in the readme.txt you wouldn't have asked this question. NT6\x64\-Method-1: Extract the contents of all DriverPacks to the NT6\x64\D\ folder so that the folder heirarchy looks like this: \NT6\x64\D\*. Method 1 will fail if the \NT6\x64\ folder contains any .7z DriverPacks.
  9. @Rick, MSSE 4.2 isn't final yet. I can only find the pre-release. The Pre-release is here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29942 When you go to the official download pages you can only get 4.1 http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/security-essentials-download http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5201 But the pre-release version is and the version you linked to is but it appears to only be an update, not a full installer. Weird!
  10. Hard links (or symbolic links) don't work. I already tried that for a separate project. DISM will map the absolute path, not the path of the symbolic link. For deleting duplicate files, you'd be better served scanning/deleting duplicate .inf files only. Then scanning the folders for any folder that doesn't contain a .inf and deleting that "empty" folder. Some .inf files have dependent files mapped in such a way that even deleting a file that doesn't apply to the OS at all will still break the driver package as a whole. A good example of this is the driver in DP_Audio_wnt6-x86_1207\x86\S\RME\1\. There is only one .inf. Inside it references hdsp_64.sys as mandatory, even on a 32-bit system where it would be ignored. But if you remove that 64-bit file, you break the whole driver and it will refuse to install.
  11. I don't understand why you would want to use SAD2 in VirtualBox. Just click the "Devices" menu option to "Install Guest Additions" (or 'Host+D') and be done with it.
  12. @DotFusion, it looks like when you did your scan you didn't remove the other OS folders before the scan. We duplicate some drivers between the OS folders in the packs intentionally. When I get some time (maybe) this weekend I'll try your method on each OS folder on its own (not the whole pack).
  13. Well, I incorporated the below code into my much larger utility that does things in a similar fashion to W7T, but it's in batch script. What this does is scans each .inf for "class=" and if it finds a match then builds a .txt file with the path to the matching driver. Then later on, it feeds DISM the paths from this .txt file for only the boot.wim images. I can't give all the code, but this should give you an idea. Legolash2o will see this and know how to interpret it (and laugh at my sloppy code!) REM :: Counts the number of boot-critical driver .inf files found. Stores the paths in bCache.txt for use later.SET "B_Drv_cnt=1"FOR /F %%x IN ('DIR /b /s %driverp%\*.inf') DO (REM :: Scans for boot-critical drivers whose .inf contents match classes "HDC, SCSIAdapter, and NET". Additional classes (like 'USB') may be added to the array below. FOR %%t IN (HDC SCSIAdapter NET) DO ( FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=|" %%a IN ('TYPE %%x ^| FINDSTR /I "class" ^| FINDSTR /I "%%t"') DO %INL% ( ECHO>>%dCache%\bCache.txt 2>>NUL %%x SET /a "B_Drv_cnt=!B_Drv_cnt!+1")))ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 ** %time%- Boot-critical driver cache built successfully. & ECHO ** Boot-critical driver cache built successfully. For your other question, I think that Siginet's DriverGrabber is a good tool to try. http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/9874-release-drivergrabber-20-one-click-driver-backup/?hl=drivergrabber
  14. My SAD2 script (DP_Install_Tool.cmd) is free & open source and Legolash2o is free to use it as he sees fit if he wants to. DP_Install_Tool.cmd has a silent switch (/s) so it can be scheduled to run via setupcomplete.cmd. IF EXIST "%CDROM%\SAD2\DP_Install_Tool.cmd" Start "" /max /separate %comspec% /c %CDROM%\SAD2\DP_Install_Tool.cmd /s One way is to pre-scan the drivers "class" to match an array (HDC SCSIAdapter NET) and only integrate those drivers that match into the boot.wim since they're the only boot-critical classes of driver anyway. This would speed up boot.wim processing a lot and keep this from happening.
  15. Well you could do that. I meant delete the other folders "Vista" "Server", etc. Duplicated drivers will not cause problems.
  16. Well, in short, the drivers in the Win7 folder are there because they support ONLY Win7, or Win7/Server2008r2. Drivers only go in the "All" folder if they support all the OS variants (Vista/Win7/Win8/Server). If a driver supports 1 or 2 but not all, then we duplicate the drivers in the folders that they support. Yes, it's good practice to keep the "All" folder and the OS-specific folder and delete the others. But DISM is smart about driver injection and it will skip drivers if it detects that they are already duplicated in the image. Incidentally, the folder reorganization was a result of this rant by RicaNeaga. http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/9267-video-driver-not-instaled/#entry80564
  17. 1A: Drivers marked in blue are duplicates. Please post a list of duplicated drivers over at DriverPacks.net so you can help us clean them up.
  18. I think the cmd isn't being interpreted correctly, at least the command conditions are not. Also there's an extra space at the end. ExeFile.exe" /s /v/qn{ }']; There is an easier way: cmds[pn]=['{START} "Title" /WAIT "%wpipath%\\PathToExe\\ExeFile.exe" /s /v/qn'];cond[pn]=['FileExists("%wpipath%\\PathToExe\\MainExe.exe")'];
  19. All good things come to those who are patient.
  20. Boy that was quick. Mediafire has already blocked the x86 ENU file. "File Blocked for Violation."
  21. Did you test the .iso in VM? Never test on real hardware until you make sure the image works in VM first. You are not listening to our good advice. You are only doing what you want to do without listening to those of us who have been-there/done-that. Stop sending me PM's. I've given you all the info you need and I will NOT pirate my OWN utility so stop asking. No more posts from me here. I'm done.
  22. Well, this works perfect for me. Did you test the .iso in a VM first? I always test in a VM to make sure the image works. Testing the bootloader is a separate step on real hardware. Make sure you read through the Microsoft links in this thread. All the info you need is there. If your source path has spaces, keep them in quotes (no trailing slash\). SET "src=%cd%\src"or SET "src=C:\PATH\TO\THE SOURCE\FILES"
  23. Fine. Take this code, save as "build-iso.bat". Change the path to the source files in the code. Run as administrator. You're welcome. @ECHO offsetlocal EnableDelayedExpansionREM :: Set path to source files here.SET "src=%cd%\src":OSCDIMG-checkIF /I EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\oscdimg.exe" (SET "OSCD=%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\oscdimg.exe") ELSE (ECHO ** %time%- OSCDIMG.EXE not found. & GOTO end):Begin-testFOR /F "delims=" %%a IN ('dir /s /b "%src%\etfsboot.com"') DO (SET "biosB=%%a")FOR /F "delims=" %%a IN ('dir /s /b "%src%\efisys_noprompt.bin"') DO (SET "efiB=%%a")"%OSCD%" -m -o -l"Win7" -u2 -udfver102 -bootdata:2#p0,e,b"%biosB%"#pEF,e,b"%efiB%" "%src%" "%cd%\win7.iso":endpauseendlocal:eof
  24. While I wrote the LIU utility, I can not send it to you since it's owned by the company that paid me for it and it's protected under NDA. I did upload some very simple scripts to do the basic jobs over at DriverPacks.net here: http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=5199 More UEFI boot info here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd744321(v=ws.10).aspx But, W7T is better, so wait for legolash2o to add UEFI fixes to W7T. Or, just install Win7 from the original ISO (since it works), then update manually over WU/MU if you're desperate.
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