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Posts posted by x23piracy
Have you tried v21?
no but you know about that bug and it's fixed in 21? I will try.
Greetz X23
The feature has not been implemented, so technically it's not a bug. You can load each tab individually if you want but until someone posts about it in the requests forum, i wont add it
stupid me i will place it at the right place
Greetz X23
iam still using Windows 7 Installation over PXE and i tried the same with Windows 8.
Iam Booting a plain WinPE over PXE that mounts a network share with the Installation files.
With Windows 7 that all works amazing well for me but with Windows 8 i get the following
after some progress of installing Windows 8:
The source of the installation files is a fresh iso that works if burned to a dvd.
Any ideas?
Greetz X23
- Added a dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image
- Moved Drivers Folder to %cd%
- Dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image- For PXE use, Dialog that ask for data (credentials) to mount a network share to start a windows setup after pe has booted
- A General Dialog that asks for a file to execute after pe has booted
- Move Drivers Folder Destination to %cd% because it's a bit boring the always renew the Drivers folder while testingDownload: See first post.
Greetz X23
- Added the missing " for driver integration thx @mr_smartepants
- Added a dialog that asks for unsigned driver integration
- Removed ²³ from file and foldernames because of errors
- Dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image
- For PXE use, Dialog that ask for data (credentials) to mount a network share to start a windows setup after pe has booted
- A General Dialog that asks for a file to execute after pe has booted
- Move Drivers Folder Destination to %cd% because it's a bit boring the always renew the Drivers folder while testing
Download: See first post.
Greetz X23
"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver /Driver:"%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers /Recurse
This line is missing the end quote from the /Driver: path.
Should be:
"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver /Driver:"%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers" /Recurse
thx i was making the batch working from anywhere so i missed it
Greetz X23
also look here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/11137-tool-pex%C2%B2%C2%B3-little-winpe-helper/
Greetz X23
i made that little script for my own to handle winpe images:
Requires: The Windows® Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows® 7
Download: PEX23
@echo offREM Force umount, uncomment temporary the right line for your arch if you fataly closed the batch procese while an image was mounted and not unmounted ;)REM "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_amd64\mount" /CommitREM "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_x86\mount" /Commitecho.echo Choose Architecture for the PE Folder to createecho.choice /n /c "46" /m "amd6(4), x8(6)?"if errorlevel 2 goto x86if errorlevel 1 goto amd64:amd64SET ARCH=amd64IF EXIST "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%" GOTO existscall "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\copype.cmd" %ARCH% "WinPE_%ARCH%"cd ..goto mount:x86SET ARCH=x86IF EXIST "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%" GOTO existscall "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\copype.cmd" %ARCH% "WinPE_%ARCH%"cd ..goto mount:existsclsecho.echo Directory for choosen Architecture allready existsecho Mount or delete existing directory or abort?echo. choice /n /c "MDA" /m "(M)ount, (D)elete, (A)bort?" if errorlevel 3 goto abort if errorlevel 2 goto delPE if errorlevel 1 goto mount:abortExit:delPErd /s /q "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%"goto %ARCH%:mountcls"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Mount-Wim /WimFile:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\winpe.wim" /Index:1 /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount"echo.echo You can now start customizing the image,echo press any key if you have finished.echo.pauseclsecho.echo Do you want to integrate drivers?echo. choice /n /c "YN" /m "(Y)es, (N)o?" if errorlevel 2 goto umount if errorlevel 1 goto intdrv:intdrvIF NOT EXIST "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers" GOTO missingcolor 0Fclsecho.echo Do you want to integrate unsigned drivers?echo. choice /n /c "YN" /m "(Y)es, (N)o?" if errorlevel 2 SET drvmode= if errorlevel 1 SET drvmode=/Forceunsigned"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" "/Image:%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver "/Driver:%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers" /Recurse %drvmode%clsecho.echo Driver integration finished, unmounting now.goto umount:missingclscolor FCecho.echo The following path doesn't exist:echo.echo %cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\Driversecho.echo Create the directory and place your drivers there.echo.pausegoto intdrv:umountecho."%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Commitclsecho.echo Unmouting the Image has been finished.echo Do you want to create an ISO from the PE folder?echo. choice /n /c "YN" /m "(Y)es, (N)o?" if errorlevel 2 goto finished if errorlevel 1 goto iso:finishedecho.echo Finishedtimeout /T 3 /nobreakExit:isocopy "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\winpe.wim" "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\ISO\sources\boot.wim"cls"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\oscdimg.exe" -n -b"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\etfsboot.com" "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\ISO" "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\WinPE_%ARCH%.iso"echo.echo Finishedtimeout /T 3 /nobreakExit
- Added the missing " for driver integration thx @mr_smartepants
- Added a dialog that asks for unsigned driver integration
- Removed ²³ from file and foldernames because of errors
- Added a dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image
- Moved Drivers Folder to %cd%
- Dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image- For PXE use, Dialog that ask for data (credentials) to mount a network share to start a windows setup after pe has booted
- A General Dialog that asks for a file to execute after pe has booted
- Move Drivers Folder Destination to %cd% because it's a bit boring the always renew the Drivers folder while testingThis should only work complete under Windows 7 x64 and maybe Windows 8 x64 no way for Windows XP.
If anyone finds it usefull, have fun with it
Greetz X23
The reason for the double post is it was his first, so it was waiting to be approved and he posted a second one not knowing this
then it's a forum bug for me because he should get the warning message again and again until his first post was approved
Greetz X23
yeah i know that workaround but why not directly in preset manager without separating each tab?
Greetz X23
no i talk about the automatism that creates ini with the recent changes.
If you start WTK again preset manager open and lets you choose which preset to load.
Then it's not possible to choose some parts of different presets.
You can only choose parts from same preset!
Greetz X23
well i dont start over and over again, with last Patch tuesday i just added the new kb's to my existing image.
But for some reason to have old IE's removed you should really start from scratch.
Greetz X23
i don't understand why i cannot choose different entry from different presets.
Lets say two different presets and i want options and installers from first preset
and updates and addons from a seconds one.
I cannot see any reason why that shouldn't work.
Why is that not possible?
@Lego please make it possible if possible
Greetz X23
i have two entry in my automatic install list:
Microsoft Malicious Software RemovalMicrosoft Malicious Software Removal Definitions
I wanted to update MMSR from 4.17 to 4.18 so i removed the 4.17 entry
and tried to add the same again but with 4.18 binary.
Then WTK tells me this entry allready exists.
Iam sure this is related to the Microsft Malicious Software Removal Definitions,
the string starts exactly the same but has " Definitions" added.
It seems WTK isn't checking the complete string, it also matches strings that
starts same but are not really the same
So i added the new 4.18 with a little changed string and if it's added i can give
it back the right name "Microsoft Malicious Software Removal"
Maybe the string check is set to contains and not to equal.
@Lego please fix.
Greetz X23
maybe that helps?
Look at the part: Prepare WinPE to Start Windows Setup
Greetz X23
@Lego please give us a statement what you think about.
Greetz X23
Hi, i should test this:
To have Windows automatically use the optimal resolution, you can simply leave the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | Display blank, or if using MDT which populates this component, delete it and add it back unpopulated.
I will report back if that is working. Greetz X23
yes clear.
there was a bug in my customized (cleanup) navision installation source.
I dropped ACT 2013 from silent installers.
Greetz X23
Hey, why you can not disable language bar. Previously it was possible.
please mark as solved. thx
Greetz X23
no it's just a company that produces laboratory machines for milling and sieving
we have a lot of little customisations and sure a lot of different software.
Ini could be extended in first line like (Identifier:Value,Names(each separated repeated by value):
Each line in ini for an installer (sfx) is been extended with 4 values for each profile (0,1) with their logic order (look at the end):
Silverlight::/q;NO;12.48 MB;C:\Path\Silverlight-x64.exe;Always Installed;0;1;0;1
Greetz X23
I mean let's say you have 10 silent installers that's supposed to be installed during first logon. Why not a checkbox before install (optional, by default it shouldn't appear, only if the ADVANCED user selects it from AIO options, and let's the user select which silent addons to run and which not)?
i talk about ~100 Installers, iam working in a corporate group that includes 4 different companys.
It's not funny to take the 4 different cases for software installs each time i set a machine up.
Also is not an option to duplicate each pxe installation only for the reason that the logical change can't be made or something
I hope you realize and mainly lego that this suggestion is a good one (for me)
And sure there are other possibilities out there to realize what iam talking about but why not WTK
While adding something you install you choose to which profile it belongs to
A new little window to create, delete, rename profiles.
Choosing Profile (stuff preselected) instead of choosing out of 100 individually
I hope now it's Bullet Proof. Bam Bam
Additionally: For some kind of reason it could be usefull to temporary disable the automatic installs.
for that reason a checkbox could be implemented that is checked be default that means auto install on.
If the user needs it he can uncheck the checkbox to disable auto installs.
Don't slap me iam a feature bitch. :dancing:
Greetz X23
Language Bar
in Win Toolkit
Greetz X23