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KB2533552 Problems


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I download the newest Win7 32 and 64bit updates from three different sources.

1.Wintool Update tool

2.Windows Updates Downloader


and I am getting the error in the pic from DISM. I have never seen this error before. Any thoughts?

I am using a clean offline wim from an untouched Win7 32 and 64bit source


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WinToolkit adds that to the silent installer section because it can't be integrated.

That makes sense. I was just using a script I wrote to slipstream updates to test. I guess DISM caught it and didn't inject the update. I was having another error that I thought was related to this error but it's with a driverpack turns out.

Edited by laddanator
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Yes, this is a known problem.

I integrate it post-install with Add-to-iso\sources\$oem$\$$\Setup\scripts\setupcomplete.cmd

@ECHO off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
SET "LOGFILE=%systemdrive%\install.log"
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\sources\install.wim set CDROM=%%i:
ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM%

:: Detect OS bit-ness on running system. Assumes 64-bit unless 64-bit components do not exist.
IF NOT EXIST "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" (
ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 System architecture is %ARCH% bit.
::Begin hotfix install
ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" ......................
ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 Installing required HotFix updates
IF "%ARCH%"=="64" (
WUSA %CDROM%\updates\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu /quiet /norestart >>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1
) ELSE (
WUSA %CDROM%\updates\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x86.msu /quiet /norestart >>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1

::all processing finished, delete used files, and EXIT::
IF EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts RD /S /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts >nul
DEL /F /Q %0% >nul

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  • 1 month later...

This (KB2533552) and 3 other updates, whose names escape me are ones that when I log in are still for being installed by WU. Doesn't matter where or how I put them. I've long since given up and remain smug that all other updates are pre-installed so 4 is nothing to worry about.

I will say that the ones that still need to install, if I go to M$ for the off-line installer, I have to verify that I'm running Genuine Windows. That may have something to do with it.

Edited by ElmerBeFuddled
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@ElmerBeFuddled : you have to create the $OEM$ folder in the root of your install source.

But If you use WinToolkit just adding the KB in the silent installs /SFX tab of WinToolkit will be simpler.

WinToolkit adds that to the silent installer section because it can't be integrated.

not in the last versions, have to do it manually.

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create folders: $OEM$\$$\SETUP\SCRIPTS then you put KB2533552 hotfix inside folder (SCRIPT) along with setupcomplete.cmd

save this as setupcomplete.cmd and then drop the whole thing in "sources" folder, then save it as an new .iso (I use UltraISO, best for win7, I think)

@echo off
WUSA Windows6.1-KB2533552-x86.msu /QUIET /NORESTART

Edited by dareckibmw
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create folders: $OEM$\$$\SETUP\SCRIPTS then you put KB2533552 hotfix inside folder (SCRIPT) along with setupcomplete.cmd

Well, I dropped the assembled $OEM$ folder in sources, ran the .iso, nothing there. Methinks I was cracking up, so had a nice brew and a couple of fags before I came back to check everything.

Opened sources, there's $OEM$, opened that, there's $$, opened...........AAAAaaaHH!!! Therein lies my problem! The folder wasn't named $$ at all, it was named %%!! Dufus that I am!

Edited by ElmerBeFuddled
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