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CCleaner 4 & Unlocker 1.9.1 XP x64 Addons


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I want to ask to any of you long resident on wincert and alike forums if you are aware of any XP x64 unlocker 1.9.1 addon.

Also more unlikely but a CCleaner addon for XP x64, if not v4.0, then a previous one without all the crap that the installer includes.


Thank you!

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ok, the ccleaner addon from the ryanvm link works.
The unlocker doesn't. I have tried 2 unlocker addons, the one linked, and another that seems to be only vista/7 x64 and XP x86:

Unlocker 1.9.1 DBB2473169D7FC710646E2C093EF98E9
Unlocker 1.9.1 D423ADEFF147BD42F7509D5F2A73399F link2
Xable Light Unlocker 1.9.1

The Xable one I'm unsure it will work on XP x64, but I'm skeptic that's why I still haven't tried.

I want to know if it is possible to make one Unlocker Addon with VirtualTek Addon Maker.


Anyway, whatever, I'm gonna burn the unattendeds now.

Edited by Dogway
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