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Z3R07's NT6 USB 3.0 Driver Pack (No longer available!)


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Z3R07's NT6 USB 3.0 Driver Pack



I decided to delete my project.

The reason is, it exist a much better and more up2date pack.

I recommend to registrate and download DriverPackSolution:



Methode Install (HowTo):

1. Download and extract this useful tool: http://www.mediafire.com/download/resi18rkv626mfr/SAD3-130825.7z
2. Create folder D in NT6\x64 and extract the content of the DriverPack to the NT6\x64\D\ folder so that the folder heirarchy looks like this: \NT6\x64\D\*.
3. Start DP_Install_Tool.cmd and follow instructions.



Edited by Z3R07
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I think DP_Install_Tool.cmd depens on the using of dpinst.exe. (parameters for silent or something? I dont know the batchfile)

I recommend to use dpinst.exe directly on rootfolder of all driverfolders and let it install missing drivers.

Sometimes windows install standard driver for some hardware, then you will need to remove them before.


By integrating i recommend to integrate all drivers first, then backup the really used drivers and integrate these into a new image.



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