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Microsoft Silverlight (x86 & x64) True AddOn INTL (per Windows XP/2003/Vista/Seven/8/NEXT)

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Ragazzi ecco come True AddOn anche il Microsoft Silverlight x32 & x64, il AddOn si Integra in Windows XP/2003 usando nLite & RVMi in x32 Mod (per chi vole provare integrarlo in WIndows 2000 allora serve usare il DXUPAC qui per creare il True AddOn del Silverlight per Win2k SP4), e in Windows NT6.x Vista/Seven usando il WinNT6.x True Integrator in x32 & x64 mod (secondo Windows dove si integrera)



OnePiece Microsoft Silverlight v5.1.50901.0 True AddOn INTL

tabdownload.png Aggiornato (21 Dicembre 2016)
tabdownload.png Aggiornato (21 Dicembre 2016)
Hash MD5 170A4BA56C83329B1A07FCED6628258F
Filesize: 17.1 MB (17930127 bytes)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi MrNxDmX :D , has been a cosmetic problem that forced me to redo the addon , I typed in English male in a word, is not important, but you know when the riuploadato or lost in ryanvm.net link, so I was forced to put the new link, so addon or rebuilt, but no major changes so we say, however, and already this ok

Ciao ;) .


ahh here or seen that ia also written them, so you better oiu Nonno Fabio answered in English ;)

Edited by OnePiece
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Hi Kees030, links already repaired, however you can already use the AIO Creator, to create this addon.



I know that many links are down, but a question of time and do them all right, lately have overwhelmed all of my time and did the aio creator (being someone who does not understand much of the script, so here I am the creator aio a very early time, but I hope to close soon)


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  • 2 weeks later...

hey one peice

while i was doing some tests on my cd

and my Windows Live Suite tool

i used your addon to add silver light and it should hide silver light from the list

but sadly


it seems that it didn't detect it fully

now i'm trying to see what is missing for you


it seems that the live installs an older version

and when the installing start it detects that a newer version is already exist

and checked silverlight site it seems that it detects silverlight

right now i'm giving another shot of trying to hide it

Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi George King, thanks for reporting ;) , use the Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator to create the new addon ;) , about silverlightdev.msp, I do not know if it helps or not, oe only developer, but try to create the addon and see for yourself after everything is OK or not


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