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    Legolash2o got a reaction from mikdik in Win Toolkit v1.4.0.x^FIX: Services tab in AIO was very slow when sorting columns

    This was due to some code which updates the tab names and column widths each time an item was moved.^FIX: Services tab in AIO was very slow when using BlackViper presets

    This was due to some code which updates the tab names and column widths each time an item was ticked.^FIX: Removed 'RPC Endpoint Mapper' service, caused start services hang

    During Windows installation it would say setup is starting services forever...
  2. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from mikdik in Win Toolkit v1.4.0.x^NEW: Unmount screen will prompt if other wim editing tools are open on 'Save'

    This will notify the user if there are other tools such as RT7Lite open before the user saves the image.^NEW: New 'Add' option in All-In-One Integrator

    Rather than adding each folder seperately, you can now select the root and all the subfiles will get added.^FIX: FolderBrowserDialog went into root directy of previously saved

    If your last directory was 'C:\ExampleRoot\ExampleSub, Win Toolkit loaded 'C:\ExampleRoot' instead.^FIX: Fixed a few status messages in All-In-One Integrator

    Nothing major, it was just stuff like integrating 0 of 10 when it should have been integrating 1 of 10, etc...^FIX: Changing setup background could not find file

    ResHacker could not be found when changing the setup background.^FIX: Win Toolkit will save logs with UTC time

    This is just easier for me when reading the logs. Everyone has a different timezone so the dates didn't appear correctly.
  3. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from dareckibmw in Huge surge in users?   
    Between 2nd October 2009 and 29th May 2012 (2 years and 7 months) the download count for Win Toolkit just hit the 100,000 mark. link.
    Between 29th May 2012 to today, 11th August 2012, it is now at 160,000. That's 60,000 extra downloads in just 2 months. It must mean people are hearing about Win Toolkit
    Hope you guys are liking it, on most sites it's getting 5 out of 5
    P.S. Feel free to chat about anything in this thread (off-topic)
  4. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from feeliks83 in Error message after the first reboot of the windows installer   
    Well it doesn't take that long when there are no updates to integrate, tweaks and services takes seconds.
  5. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from mikdik in Win Toolkit v1.4.0.x^FIX: Fixed WinPE product key error in unattended

    Error is explained here.
    UPDATE: I've re-uploaded v61 with the correct version number.
  6. Like
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    Legolash2o got a reaction from dareckibmw in Win Toolkit [New Design]   
    That's what i meant, i completed forgot i can use those again now that i got rid of Aero. Aero make a transparent line appear.
    EDIT: re-enabled it.
  8. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from dareckibmw in Win Toolkit [The Little Things]   
    Those errors are correct.
    EDIT: Test 4 released.
  9. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from mikdik in Win Toolkit [The Little Things]   
    Those errors are correct.
    EDIT: Test 4 released.
  10. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from mikdik in Win Toolkit [The Little Things]   
    The tabs now show how many are in the lists ready to be processed, this allows everyone (including myself) to see if something like an update has been moved to the silent installers page.

    'Add Updates' will work as previous versions
    'Add Updates + Subfolders' lets you select a folder and all the updates within that get added. Same with gadgets, themes, wallpapers, etc... It saves you from manually adding sub-folders.
  11. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from dareckibmw in Win Toolkit [New Design]   
    Ok i've removed the bold text when the mouse 'enters' into a button.
  12. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from mikdik in Win Toolkit v1.4.0.x^NEW: Win Toolkit now required .NET Framework 3.5

    In order to fix one of the bugs below i had to update Win Toolkit to v3.5, it was either write pages of code OR upgrade to 3.5 and write one line of code. It also brings me other advantages too over v2.0^FIX: Update Catalog did not work properly outside berlin time

    Some users outside Germany time would still have ticked updates because Germany time is ahead and therefore your file would not look newer.^FIX: Update Installer did not work on Windows 8

    Just didn't work with dism so i changed the code to 'example.msu /quiet /norestart' in order for it to work. I also tidied up the 'Installed' tab when using LDR/QFE updates.^FIX: Component Removal showed incorrect group count

    Each group would say a different number than the amount actually in the group i.e. 'Updates (6)' and only 2 was actually visible. I've also changed the tooltips so that they show the description of the update itself from the .mum file. That only happens for items which haven't got a description shown in the first place.
  13. Like
    Legolash2o reacted to mikdik in Windows Live Essentials 16.4.3503.0728   
    Link for Windows Live Essentials 16.4.3503.0728 offline installer En/us (not for xp)
    It does say for vista/win7/win8
    For all other languages for offline installers go here...
  14. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from hayleysant1 in Driver Installer   
    The 'Driver Installer' lets you install any driver either from driver packs or you just have an updated driver to the computer currently installed (Live).
    Installing Drivers

    Step 1: Select the folder your drivers are in
    Use the 'Add Drivers' to select the folder which contains your drivers *.inf files
    Note: *.inf files with the same MD5 will not be added, this avoids installing the same driver.
    Step 2: Click Start
    Once your files have been added, click 'Start' and W7T will start installing the drivers on your computer.
    Step 3: Wait
    Wait may take some time to install all the drivers, so go for coffee, cup of tea or whatever you prefer. W7T will let you know when it's done.
    Uninstalling Drivers

    Step 1: Press the scan button
    This will check which drivers are already installed via on your live system.
    Step 2: Select the drivers you want to remove
    Tick the boxes next to the drivers your want to remove.
    Step 3: Press 'Uninstall' and wait
    Now all you have to do is sit back and wait for those obsolete drivers to be removed, W7T will update the list once completed.
  15. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from upgrade in Good News   
    As you may have noticed i have released about 3 builds today with many fixes. I've just checked my logs and I've only received 2 and just released a version fixing that issue.
    Assuming everyone updates and i continue to barely get any logs, I will be able to plow through all of the requests adding new features which you all wanted.
  16. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from spidernz in Thank You   
    I don't know your wincert username so i like to say a huge thankyou to 'Woronzow Eugen' for the donation
    Also thanks to all of the testers who help a great deal. Win Toolkit would not be the same without you guys.
  17. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from dareckibmw in Thank You   
    I don't know your wincert username so i like to say a huge thankyou to 'Woronzow Eugen' for the donation
    Also thanks to all of the testers who help a great deal. Win Toolkit would not be the same without you guys.
  18. Like
    Legolash2o reacted to ricktendo in Windows 8 RTM Leaked   
    Yea no aero sucks
  19. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from *Daniel in Sorry   
    Sorry i haven't been on much in the past couple of days, went home to visit my parents for 2-3 days.
    Also i had to take my laptop apart to clean it as it was overheating and shut itself down whilst playing Sniper Elite V2, its idle temp was 79C and under load could burn my hand.
    Anyways now that's cleaned it's now operating at 45C idle and 75C when playing Sniper Elite so a big improvement
  20. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from CrAzYs in Sorry   
    Sorry i haven't been on much in the past couple of days, went home to visit my parents for 2-3 days.
    Also i had to take my laptop apart to clean it as it was overheating and shut itself down whilst playing Sniper Elite V2, its idle temp was 79C and under load could burn my hand.
    Anyways now that's cleaned it's now operating at 45C idle and 75C when playing Sniper Elite so a big improvement
  21. Like
    Legolash2o reacted to ricktendo in Forum Upgraded to the latest version!   
    Yes it did
  22. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from justicegate in Update Catalog   
    This tool lets you download the latest updates which are not available via Windows Updates. This updates are know as QFE updates and are made available to those who have specific issues but everyone just integrates them anyway.

    Note: Previous use
    If you have used this tool before then use the top browse button and select the folder you downloaded to them previously.
    Step 1: Select from list
    Select which updates you want in the list, i.e. Windows 7 x64. If you selected a previous folder then W7T will scan and tell you which updates are new and move the old ones to a folder called 'Old'
    Step 2: Select Updates
    Once selected W7T will show you a list of updates and all of the ones you don't have should be clicked.
    Step 3: Start
    Press 'Download' and watch your updates download.
    Some updates go into sub-folders because they only need installing if you have that specific feature installed and they're not always needed.
  23. Like
    Legolash2o reacted to *Reaper* in Windows 8 RC Updates   
    UPDATE: Win Toolkit now includes McRips Win 8 updates.
  24. Like
    Legolash2o reacted to reptileodeath in Big thank you to Lego   
    just wanted to start this topic as abig thankyou to all your hard work on winkit.the countless hours and requests that you forfilled for us hasn,t gone unrecognised.three cheers for lego guys!
    without winkit we couldnt have acheived the images we have today thanks alot m8 really appreciate it.wish you well m8
  25. Like
    Legolash2o reacted to NIM in Big thank you to Lego   
    Agreed, I would also like to thank Lego for his kind support to this forums and commitment to WinKit development.
    All the best!
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