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Everything posted by Cipherfx2

  1. Seems I'm also having problems with adf.ly and so with 180upload.com , is it possible to have a mediafire mirror...
  2. Thank you so much :dancing: ... going to test it in a few hours :type: ...
  3. THANKS, I was just a bit confused when I followed your video using VMware, but already manage thru VirtualBox... Trying to manage to change the default theme but no luck, do I need to do thru answer file? a bit off-topic: I installed your .net slim thru sysprep, image it then check thru vm if its installed then everything is ok but when I try to go back to KUC to install WMF, KUC reported that .net is not installed?
  4. I followed your video on "Preinstalling Applications and Capturing Image HD 1080" but what I didn't get is how did you captured the wim file from VMware, since it uses "vmdk"...? BTW, I'm using ver. 10 of VM Workstation....
  5. shall we treat KB2533552 as silent?, how do we integrate this? been missing a lot of info lately....
  6. Also searching for that KB# in other forum but no luck :type:
  7. How about AIO Office 2013 with Visio and Project?
  8. Will you update this slim soon (not in a rush)?
  9. New hotfix? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2925382
  10. Merry Christmas to one and All...
  11. I also encounter similar problem, especially those updates under Additional folder of Mcrip Repo... Hope someone could give us a hint which will be as silent installer or place as prerequisite (like ie 9) for example RDP 8; kb2574819 should be installed first prior to KB2592687
  12. Ok... anyway I was just testing and trying to integrate all mcrip list. Hope someone could shed light on it as to how to integrate those cab...
  13. This is on 1.5.0 Test 4, can't integrate CAB
  14. yap, it works... Its been awhile since I made my last integration
  15. Not sure if this question had been posted and answered but couldn't find it on piles of thread... How do I integrate .cab files, like: Windows6.1-KB2023591-x86.cab, Windows6.1-KB2521168-x86.cab, Windows6.1-KB2525084-v2-x86.cab... Thanks in advance.
  16. Yes, please... that would be appreciated and I think others would....
  17. Ok, so after having all updates integrated with LDR-QFE check on W7T, then if newer updates crops up like KB2621440, KB2641653, KB2647518, KB2665364, KB2667402 all I have to do is integrate it again with LDR-QFE check but what happens to KB2645609 since it was move to LDR placerholders, following solor's update....
  18. Thanks for the update and just noticed that you now include the KBs that have been added/removed... Off topic: Is there a AIO Silent Visual C Runtime that I can use with W7 Toolkit?
  19. Thanks, so how will I integrate it is there such a script or tools for that...
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