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Posts posted by rhahgleuhargh

  1. 8 hours ago, Thiersee said:

    You didn't, sorry!

    It's useless for the installation of NET-FW 4.7, but NOT for the installation of those programs (I read about PDF-Creator, for example) not having the library in their install-folder and looking for that under "%windir%\System32" (KB4019990 writes there the library).

    OK ! Sorry all my real machines were upgraded to Windows 10, so I can't test 7 with other programs !

  2. 9 hours ago, Thiersee said:

    You don't need to rename it ^_^, you can import it manually and move it at the end of the list in WTK.

    I think @rhahgleuhargh will not put this KB in his UL, because it belongs to NET-FW (4.7, optional) and not to Windows.

    Exactly !:) And if I understand good, this KB is useless when you use a repack (ie. icare's file).

  3. @pennsylvaniaron
    I allways integrate IE 11 (have a look on the tutorial which is my based on my configuration), even if I don't use it (except for WU catalog website before they permit to use the website with other navigators). The reason is because IE 8 is obsolete.

    If you don't integrate IE 11 if I remember good, IE 10 is proposed as important update, and curiously IE 11 as optional update. But it seems logical to integrate the most recent version.




  4. @pennsylvaniaron

    Sorry, I don't use IE since almost 12 years, I prefer FIrefox !

    Here is the content of my tweaks.ini file (I removed the third party themes one because it caused some problems in my VMs), I don't encounter any problem with it :

    Add 'Take Ownership' to context-menu
    Show 'Computer' on Desktop
    Show User Folder on Desktop
    Small Taskbar Icons
    Remove Shortcut Arrow
    Remove Shortcut Suffix
    Show File Extensions
    Show Hidden Files & Folders
    Open NFO files with notepad

    Just do a test without IE 11 tweaks to check if all is OK. If it works, and if you absolutely need IE tweaks, you can add a batch file at the end of silent + SFX program list to enable these tweaks.



    I had a look on your .ini file. I suggest you to remove all the tweaks related to IE. I don't remind if tweaks are applicated before or after the update integration, so IE tweaks may block IE 11 installation if applicated first.
    I don't think that modifying silent updates order will change anything since IE 11 is installed before applying silent updates and installers. You can let the KB order as it is from older to newer.
    All the infos about KB2685811 and 13 are written in the tutorial: if integrated with other updates, they will appear twice in the installed updates, and the double ones will be removed at the first deep-clean. it's not the case if integrated in RunOnce.


  6. @Thiersee and @pennsylvaniaron

    the (11) is just an example from original script, so it's not really a typo error (it's present in the script from the beginning!). I'll have a look on it when I come back home, but the script should work as it is.

    The "new" Telemetry.vbs is in fact the classic.vbs, since the 2 DNF updates for Convenience Rollup integration method are no more requested by WU. So no need to redownload the updated file if you know how to edit the .vbs file.

  7. Hello,

    Mise à jour des ULs à partir de la version Creators Update 1703.

    Attention, il est possible que l'ISO refuse de s'installer une fois les mises à jour intégrées (erreur de pilote, idem ici) si vous mettez à niveau votre ancienne version de Windows : j'ai fait un essai en intégrant au préalable le DNF 3.5 puis les 2 mises à jour, et échec ! Pour mettre à niveau mes machines x64 et x86 à partir de la version 1607 (je suis trop flemmard pour repartir à zéro et remettre tous mes réglages), j'ai dû utiliser l'ISO non retouché. Il faudra peut-être attendre une mise à jour de service pour que cela fonctionne avec le boot.wim mis à jour... Bizarre, ça marchait pourtant avec les éditions précédentes. Ceci étant je n'ai pas fait d'essai en n'intégrant pas le DNF au préalable.

    EDIT : test en machine virtuelle OK pour une installation fraîche avec toutes les mises à jour et le DNF 3.5 intégrés. ça plante donc à priori uniquement quand vous mettez à niveau votre ancienne version.

  8. Hello,

    De mon côté, j'ai :

    Security Monthly Quality Rollup : KB4015549 remplace KB4012215, KB3156017, KB3118401, KB2676562, KB3123479 (common), KB3126446, KB3146706, et KB3149090 (classic)

    DNF 3.5.1 KB4014565 remplace KB3210131

    Je confirme que KB2446710 et KB2478662 n'apparaissent plus dans la liste des mises à jour masquées pour le CR, les 2 scripts claasic.vbs et Rollup.vbs deviennent donc identiques (à tester toutefois).

    je n'ai pas encore fini de comparer toute la liste des mises à jour remplacées par KB4015549, il y en a un paquet !

  9. 15 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

    rhahgleuhargh any idea why kb2813347 is asked as an important update on my win 7_64 HP vm by WU first time check? you said that update has to do with RDP which I do not integrate into my iso.

    if you're busy dont worry about it. Thx in advance for all your help.


    KB2813347 is an update for RDP 7.0, which is needed too when you want to integrate RDP 8.1. And since RDP 7.0 is already included in Windows 7 (?), that's certainly why it's asked by WU. But curiously, KB2813347 is superseeded by KB3075220 (in No RDP category) when you don't use RDP 8.1(I didn't make a test yet without RDP with Convenience Rollup integration method, but it is the case with Classic integration method). Abbodi1406 has certainly the good answer to this question. Is KB3075220 asked after KB2813347 in your case ? Is KB3019978 asked too as it's the case for Classic integration method ? if yes, I'll rename the Category.

    I allways integrate RDP 8.1 because :

    - it's very difficult to activate it if you didn't integrate it previously in the ISO (some KBs refuse to install, you need fist to uninstall noRDP category updates and integrate RDP 8.1 in the correct order, and it doesn't allways work),

    - this feature is enabled in 10 and 8.1, and is certainly more secured than previous versions (even if I don't use it).

    - Convenience Rollup includes some of required RDP 8.1 updates

    The only reason to not integrate it was when I installed 7 Starter Edition in my old Atom N270 1 GB RAM netbook (which switched quickly to Lubuntu that works very better !).

  10. 52 minutes ago, chains1041 said:

    32Bit Windows 7 seems to hang and crash during integration whenever it reaches KB3125574.

    Tried on , and with no change.

    Also tried re downloading the update a few times.

    Is anyone else having this problem or know how to fix it?

    Please check if KB3020369 and KB2670838 are placed in prerequisite updates, if not integrated first WTK hangs with KB3125574. It should be done automatically, but... If it's the case redownload KB3125574 maybe the file you're using is damaged. Have you enough space on your drive ?

  11. Hello,

    La mise à jour cumulative de ce mois-ci qui fait passer 10 à la version 14393.953 présente un bug au niveau du fichier CompPkgSup.dll qui fait planter l'application DVD Player, Windows Media Player lors de la lecture des fichiers MPEG et mkv, et Windows Media Center pour ceux qui l'ont installé. Il suffit de remplacer ce .dll par sa version précédente pour corriger le problème (dossiers system32 et Syswow64, attention à bien remplacer les deux fichiers en x64), mais j'attends un éventuel correctif pour mettre à jour l'UL.

    Sinon, le mois prochain on passe à une nouvelle version (Creators Update), j'arrêterai donc le maintien de l'UL pour la version 14393 pour passer à la version suivante.

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