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bjfrog last won the day on August 17 2009

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About bjfrog

  • Birthday 07/04/1977

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  1. already in 2011 happy new year to all!

  2. thanks, buddy,Could post a mirror link,as i dont have an access to mediafile website from my country
  3. new look very nice

  4. Very nice work!thanks ,its very handy to create a CD menu. even i create a CD menu for the emulated cdrom of my USB modem doggle,but all the Chinese on the interface can't be shown up,i got the same problem after recoding the ini file to different encodings,but it work like charm under windows 7,could you fix it support Chinese under XP with the respect to you bjfrog
  5. Study good by good,Up day by day

  6. thanks,Rick,i found the key ,the key work like charm ,my DVD is closing to the final. and i found another way today to block the alert popup,Export the certificate file from programs that have digital signature,run this line bfefore run program,certutil.exe is windows 7 tool under system32,the line do the same registry entries,thanks again. cmd /q /c certutil.exe -addstore TrustedPublisher exportedCertFileName.cer
  7. hello guys ,i got the problem during install my silent installer on my unattended windows7 DVD when first logon,its just like below picture,is there a way to disable the windows sercurity popup,help is always appriciated.
  8. Do u meant add tweaks.inf into unattened.xml and how?, I am not sure understand well about that,cant wait partIII.
  9. updated new version 3.1.0 55467
  10. i use a HUAWEI ec226 3g usb modem
  11. greats Fixit,i like the blue and yellow very much
  12. does anyone kindly post a mirror link to me as i cant access mediafire page,thanks in advance.
  13. thanks update,look forward to seeing version4 released btw i found parameters DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0 PROGRAMSGROUP=Accessories still work for MSI
  14. hi Rick,/e is enough to get an administrative installation,see page 43 of WS7 manual To install Workstation silently 1 Open a command prompt and enter the following command to silently extract the administrative installation image from the VMware Workstation installer: setup.exe /s /e <install_temp_path> setup.exe is the name of the installer on the installation media. If you are using a downloaded installer, the filename is similar to VMwareWorkstation-<xxxx>.exe, where <xxxx> is a series of numbers representing the version and build numbers. <install_temp_path> is the full path to the folder where you want to store the administrative installation image. 2 Enter the following command on one line to run a silent installation using msiexec and the administrative installation image you extracted in the previous step: msiexec -i "<install_temp_path>\VMware Workstation.msi" [iNSTALLDIR=<path_to_program_directory&gt] ADDLOCAL=ALL [REMOVE=<feature_name,feature_name>] /qn ........ edit: vmware tools is optional install by ditributed computer from an administrative installation image the .exe just like silent installer
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