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WinCert new logo / mascott


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Hello fellas and gals,

We're thinking about the logo change on WinCert.net which would also be our mascot..

We have some concepts and JurgenDoe did something nice with what could we start off. Check this out..

We're open for any suggestions, ideas or even help on this matter..

I have to say that I like what Jurged Doe did so far..




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errr.. this look like "Fella" the DeviantArt website mascot.

you will have peoples saying that you have stole or copied the style from DA

This guy has the similar color as this forum. I said that this is a start, we'll change it, off course..

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The one on the right would be a copyright violation, since that is DeviantArt's "Fella". Anything resembling may fall into the same category, with intellectual property, etc. :\

Edited by Tarun
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The one on the right would be a copyright violation, since that is DeviantArt's "Fella". Anything resembling may fall into the same category, with intellectual property, etc. :\

LOL, I knew you'll say something like that. We'll have our own logo, don't worry about that.. We won't copy anyone..

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The one on the right would be a copyright violation, since that is DeviantArt's "Fella". Anything resembling may fall into the same category, with intellectual property, etc. :\
This is not going to be the logo... It IS! the DA fella, its just a starting off point.
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We're thinking about the logo change on WinCert.net which would also be our mascot..

Sounds like it would be both in a logo and act as a mascot. People have been talking about the character in them which is "Fella" and variations thereof.

Trust me, they (deviantArt) are extremely anal when it comes to copyrights.

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We're now very away from the DA mascot, or should be totally give up on our mascot work since DA is so "anal" about this as tarun said..:D

I like first and second panda that JD posted, nice work mate..

Although, I miss something on his ears..Can you make so we can see a bit of inner ear, not just one color :sweatingbullets:

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We're now very away from the DA mascot, or should be totally give up on our mascot work since DA is so "anal" about this as tarun said..:D

I like first and second panda that JD posted, nice work mate..

Although, I miss something on his ears..Can you make so we can see a bit of inner ear, not just one color :sweatingbullets:

Yup the little baer is my very own creation ( copyright) and has nothing to do with the fella. This mascot is for use on Wincert only and is given from me to N1K

N1K I'm still working on it but it's almost done. Just here and there a few changes and it will be YOUR'S :thumbsup_anim:

Here is the latest update so far. Need to paint some claws on his feet too :crying_anim02:


Edited by JurgenDoe
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Love the magnifying glass idea, brilliant... Its like if you cant find it, search on Wincert :P

And the mouth is also looking good :D

But I don't think the pirate costume suits Wincert (don't want people thinking we pirate soft) we can always dress him in different costumes just like crystalxp does with their tux mascot ;)


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