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Posts posted by rhahgleuhargh

  1. 10 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

    I see the new list has 6/22/16 as the date so its very much updated. are you saying to take that 6/22 UL into WUD, download convenience rollup pack (1), the common and convenience rollup and classic updates (50), classic integration (no rdp) (2), IE updates (1), additional updates (4) and integrate them using WTK with a clean win 7_64 sp1 media refresh ISO and I DON'T need the classic updates (151)? Or should I do this to liam's April 2016 ISO? Then the final iso will pass SFC and there will hardly be any new updates when manually checking WU after iso install?


    No, using Convenience Rollup integration method you only need : Rollup, Common updates, IE updates, and eventually if needed Additional updates. That's all. I've updated the second post of the topic with the screenshots. All updates marked "1-" need to be integrated in "Prerequisite" section of WTK, especially KB3020369 (sorry for the bad number) and KB2670838. You have to move these 2 KBs manually, until Legolash2o will update WTK.

    Concerning the RunOnce updates, yes KB2533552, KB2603229 and KB3046269 have to be integrated in Silent + SFX section of WTK.

    As Thiersee wrote, it's better to use an untouched ISO.

    If you want to mask Windows 10 upgrade updates and other telemetry updates, just add the Rollup.exe SFX at the end of the Silent + SFX section of WTK, they will be automatically hidden (it's reversible).

  2. @pennsylvaniaron

    You can use 2 different methods to make an updated ISO : the classic one, or the Convenience Rollup pack method. Both methods work (ie no update will be asked by WU at first check). You just have to select the method you prefer.

    The Convenience Rollup pack method is faster (approximately 50 updates to integrate), and after installation saves > 1 Go in your HDD compared to classic method. You can add the Additional updates, RDP updates, or Windows 10 related updates if you want, with the 2 methods. Convenience Rollup method needed some little adjustment with updates orders and non-needed updates, but now it's OK !

    These ULs contain all the minimum updates required to satisfy WU. If you want something more complete, you can use the list provided by WHD (for specific questions,  abbodi1406 is THE REFERENCE !).

    I sugest to you to create an ISO from the scratch instead of updating a precedent version, your installation will be cleaner.

  3. Oooops,

    It was a copy/paste error. Correction done. Next time I'll wait to be at home to edit the ULs.


    It could be a solution, but no, I don't want to create 2 different lists : it increases the risk to forget to delete or add an update in x64 and/or x86 lists (4 ULs). Those lists are beginning to be complicated to maintain. A real Convenience pack (ie without all other >30 required updates) or a SP would have been better and more professional from M$.

  4. @Thiersee

    OK. So you tried to install it with your own RunOnce package. I didn't put it in the Convenience Updates category since it wasn't asked by WU.

    Updated ULs uploaded. I don't know if this june rollup superseeds old WU client .cabs and WU client update KB3138612, so I left them in the list. There is no info about KB3161608 yet in WU Catalog website.

  5. 10 hours ago, X-Force said:

    KB3139940         superseded - (Only classic list)
    KB3042058         superseded x64 only (Only classic list)

    KB3139923-v2        superseded Classic & Convenience List (Uninstalled & Tested - WU not requested)
    KB3153171             superseded Classic & Convenience List  (Uninstalled & Tested - WU not requested)

    99% of chance that KB3161608 will become important at next Patch Tuesday. So I'll put it in the Common updates category. I'll upload updated ULs later today.

  6. 9 hours ago, rastamanx said:

    Juste pour être sûr d'avoir bien compris...

    Si on utilise le Convenience Rollup, on se retrouve avec la télémétrie installée ?

    Y'a pas moyen de désactiver l'intégration de tel ou tel update dans le rollup ?

    Du coup, si on est soucieux de la vie privée, faut continuer de tout faire à la main ?


    Oui, 3 composants de mise à jour de télémétrie sont installés avec le Convenience Rollup (KB3068708, KB3075249 et KB3080149). Il n'est pas possible de les désinstaller, mais tu peux par contre désactiver les services de télémétrie de Windows. Il me semble que quelqu'un en a parlé récemment sur le forum, si je retrouve le post je te le fais suivre.

    Tu peux continuer à choisir la méthode classique pour installer les mises à jour, cela fonctionne toujours. Le Convenience Rollup est plus pratique (une cinquantaine de mises à jour à intégrer au lieu de plus de 200) et te fait gagner de l'espace disque après installation (1,5 Go d'occupation disque en moins en x86 d'après mes tests).

  7. @pennsylvaniaron

    KB2852386 is an update that adds the Deep-clean feature in Win 7. It's included in the Convenience Rollup pack too. The only thing you have to do is to integrate in WTK the Convenience pack, or this update (present in ULs, WHD list, and the Simplix pack, depending the method you choose to add updates), and the functionnality will be implemented.

  8. @camisole

    Malheureusement, à ma connaissance, les ISO Retail d'Office 2016 se présentent sous la forme Clic2Run, cette façon de mettre à jour n'est donc pas applicable. Peut-être que cela a changé entre temps (ça fait un bail que je n'ai pas regardé), mais je ne pense pas.

    Dans le cas contraire, on peut imaginer faire un batch qui installe tous les fichiers .msu extraits par le script.

  9. Maybe it could be due to the presence of KB2813347, I don't remember why I didn't include it in my test. I don't know how the sequence of integration is changing anything, since you install first the prerequisites. So if you succeeded with this one, it's OK for me ! I'll move KB2923545 in the Classic integration category like the other prerequisite. ULs reuploaded and post edited.

  10. 1 hour ago, Thiersee said:



    The numbered files are very confusing (my opinion!):(

    Sorry I haven't found any better solution. The big advantage is that you can do the Rollup integration in one pass, the correct updates order is preserved. When using classic integration method you just have to catch all KBs with CTRL + A, and then unselect the rollup , ADD and W10 updates if not needed.

    An other solution is to check the option of creating folders for each category, but it is making the integrating task more difficult. Or create separated ULs for classic or Rollup integration ? too complex to maintain !

  11. @Thiersee

    Yes, I can confirm it ! I made a test this morning in x86 with only prerequisite KB2574819, and the 2 other updates KB2830477 and KB2592687 : all others RDP updates except KB2857650, and 2 other old KBs related to RDP 8.0 were asked at my first WU as critical updates ! it wasn't the case with my previous test with may UL.

    All is OK with a new test integrating all RDP updates except KB2857650. I didn't reproduce the same test in x64, I included the 8 RDP updates.



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