Tagged: hardware

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Logitech Mouse double click issues

If you are, like I, a Logitech mouse user you might have experienced double-click issues with Logitech mouse devices. I had a Logitech MX Revolution mouse that started bugging me after 2 years of...

hard, drive, drives, disk,hard disk 0

Bad or faulty hard disk issue.

Many people find themselves in a situation while using PC’s that they suspect or find out they have a hard disk problem. The big question then is what to do about it; how to...

hard, drive, drives, disk,hard disk 0

Hard disk drive sizes

The capacity of all hard disk drives are measured by the manufacturers using true SI (metric) nomenclature. In this system, there are 1000 units in a kilo, 1000 kilo in a mega, 1000 mega...

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Linksys WRT110 RangePlus Wireless Router

The Linksys RangePlus Wireless WRT110 is not a Draft N router, but Linksys doesn’t call it a Wireless-G router, either. The reason? It works with both specifications. It supports the 802.11g standard, but the...