Classic Skype is here to stay, at least for now
Microsoft has recently started pushing Skype 8 version thus pushing out classic Skype. Skype 8 is a new cross-platform version of Skype for desktop that received strong user criticism.

The crucial issue with Skype 8 is the removal of power user features like opening chats in a separate windows, customization of notifications etc. Along with this, the new cross-platform Skype app looks pretty bad on the desktop, which is the case with many UWP apps.
Skype has received several different changes (Metro app, Messaging+Skype app on Win 10 and UWP app) and non of those were as good as the classic desktop app. Skype 8 tries to copy Snapchat’s popular stories format and with this strategy they might loose many customers along the way.
With Skype 8 being released, Microsoft planned to discontinue classic Skype for Windows app in September. Many Skype users did not welcome this change based on the feedback so Microsoft has decided to continue support for Skype 7 (Skype Classic), at least for now.
It is unclear for how long this classic Skype extended support will last, but classic Skype fans are pretty much satisfied with this decision and with the fact that Microsoft still cares for the user feedback.