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  1. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from CrAzYs in Bad News [SSD]   
    Luckily I'm still within its 3 year warranty by 2 weeks haha.
  2. Like
    Legolash2o reacted to NIM in New FTP Host   
    Since we moved to datacenter in Germany, server is working flawlessly.
  3. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from ElmerBeFuddled in How to restore stripped out Windows Media Player feature without re-install   
    Probably quicker and better to start with a new image. Also VLC is so much better
  4. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from ElmerBeFuddled in Removing components a second time?   
    Nah you don't need to select them again.
  5. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from George King in question about WIM manager   
    Depends on what your remove. Most users forget to rebuild the image and that most removals are removed during install (DISM) so the image will be mostly the same but smaller after install.
    I am currently planning on adding more to the vLite tab which should make the image smaller.
  6. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from ElmerBeFuddled in [Solved] 1.50 t38 Problem   
    Fixed, thanks.
  7. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from CrAzYs in Update Catalog Confusion v1.5   
    Thanks, it's going alright (boring mostly). Got 91% on my programming assignment
  8. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from ianymaty in Win Toolkit v1.5.0.1 Release?   
    Finally my University stuff has finished!
  9. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from RicaNeaga in Win Toolkit v1.5.0.1 Release?   
    Finally my University stuff has finished!
  10. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from dareckibmw in Win Toolkit v1.5.0.1 Release?   
    Finally my University stuff has finished!
  11. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from J.S.Prasad in Win Toolkit v1.5.0.1 Release?   
    Do you guys think I should release v1.5.0.1 as it already contains many fixes? After which I will continue updating my code.
    What do you like or hate about v1.5.0.1 so far?
  12. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from Pommern Power in All-In-One Disk Creator   
    The 'All-In-One Disk Creator' lets you create all in one disks, so for example you can have Windows 7 SP1 x86 and Windows 7 SP1 x64 in disk, you could further include Vista or 2008 server if you wished.

    Step 1: Select your first image.
    Press the 'Browse' button and select your first install.wim, you should then see all the images get lists
    Step 2: Select your second image
    Press the 'Browse' button again and select your second image, you should now see even more images added.
    Optional 1: Add more images
    You can keep hitting browse and add more and more images until your ready.
    Optional 2: Delete the images you dont want!
    Step 3: Press Create
    W7T will then merge all of the images together, it will also try the best it can to resolve name conflicts however you may have to use the 'Edit' button and change some names to that NONE of them are the same, don't worry about descriptions, they won't conflict.
    WARNING: It is really important that none of the images have the same name, W7T will try for example add 'x64' or 'x86' to the names of the images to remove conflicts, however sometimes this is not enough.
    Optional: Rebuild
    You can choose to rebuild your newly created image so that it can produce a smaller ISO.
    Optional: ISO Maker
    Self-explanatory, make a new ISO with your new creation.

    Unlock All Editions

    Usually an image is locked to one edition i.e. Ultimate, so when it comes to install you don't have the option of choosing. Unlocking them will ask you which version of Windows you wish to install after booting from the ISO/USB.
    x64 Recovery Mode

    This will copy the 64bit Recovery Mode files, so if something happens to your computer and it's 64bit, you can use this option.
  13. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from sukh in NEW REQUEST? <<PLEASE READ THIS FIRST>>   
    You can have as many requests are you want in the 1st post but once i have replied you need to make a new thread with any new/different requests.
    1. Once i have completed a request i will close the thread so i know that it has been done. If you want to add to your request and i have not replied yet then use the EDIT button.
    2. If i have already replied then just make a new thread.
    3. NEW RULE (16/12/2011): If you see your request moving close to the bottom of the forum page, feel free to "bump" it as i like to keep all the unfinished requests at the top of the forum.
    4. NEW RULE (31/10/2012): If I have locked your thread and you have not made a request for it to be unlocked for further discussion after a week the thread will be removed. I will be 'pruning' the requests forum every week for topics which are locked and not replied in a week. They technically won't be deleted but moved to the 'Trash' forum which you guys can't see so they can be restored if necessary.
    I hope this makes sense. I'm trying to be as organised as i can
    I aim to add everything i can in the requests forum, so be patient!
  14. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from alfreire in Unattended Creator   
    This will let you have you Windows installed unattended. It's not the most complete unattended out there but it's better than nothing.

    Luckily most of this is self-explanatory, note it is recommended to leave 'Architecture' set to 'AnyCPU' which means it should work for both x64 and x86 installs.
    This is where you select the most important parts of the unattended file, like your name, serial key, time zone, screen resolution, updates, Auto-Logon, etc...
    The 'Users' tab lets your add pre-installed usernames on the computer, with passwords, user group, description, again self-explanatory.
    Editor (Advanced)
    It is recommended to leave this alone unless you know what you're doing, since W7T does not have full unattended features it allows users to add their own entries and save them to a file, it also allows the user to see what will be saved.
    Serial Keys
    These serial keys are known as 'Default Keys', they are basically just used to make the install unattended by leave Windows de-activated and keeps the 30 day trial.
    WARNING: If you use a Ultimate serial key then you must install Ultimate otherwise it will error.
    You can use the 'WIM Manager' to integrate a unattended file.
  15. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from theSLug in Bye Bye v1.4.0, Hello v1.5.0   
    v1.4.0 is officially finished and will no longer be worked on. I've now started v1.5.0!!!
    So far i've been improving old code and once i've done with the rest of the program, I will start getting all of those requests done. I've renamed v1.4.0 on the main downloads page to [sTABLE] and will also be available whilst the beta is available.
    Download BETA
    Requests and bug reports do NOT go in here, this is for general v1.5.0 discussion only!
    I've made further improvements to Win Toolkit startup. Win Toolkit roughly took upto 12 seconds to load up especially if it got stuck on 'Checking for updates'. Win Toolkit has moved that task to the background and moved another few startup items around and will now bring you the main Win Toolkit screen in less than 0.2 seconds. Quicker than me blinking!!
    In fact it was so quick, i couldn't read a single progress status before the main form appeared. If a new version appears a balloon notification will appear near your clock which you can click on to see what's new.
    How does it work?
    Previously, Win Toolkit had to wait until the update check procedure was completed before it would continue to show you the main screen. Now update checking has it's own thread which means Win Toolkit no longer has to wait for it to finish. The update checking will continue even when the main form is loaded which means you can get things done abit quicker!
    I'm also going to be experimenting with AIO Integrator eventually. Adding a few more threading maybe, so it can for example integrate drivers and updates at the same and a bunch of other stuff simultaneously!
  16. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from FahadZafor in Win Toolkit v1.5.0.1 Release?   
    Do you guys think I should release v1.5.0.1 as it already contains many fixes? After which I will continue updating my code.
    What do you like or hate about v1.5.0.1 so far?
  17. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from compstuff in Update Catalog Confusion v1.5   
    I can add an option in 'Win Toolkit Options' which allow you to select to either just show MSU/CAB files or display everything?
  18. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from George King in Update Catalog Confusion v1.5   
    I can add an option in 'Win Toolkit Options' which allow you to select to either just show MSU/CAB files or display everything?
  19. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from serg130270 in Win Toolkit v1.5.0.1 Release?   
    why not serg?
  20. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from amaltom61 in Update catalog not working   
    They are duplicates anyway.....Windows6.1-KB2561821-v2-x64.msu is exactly the same Windows6.1-KB2561821-v2-x64.cab
    I'm closing this thread now as the original issue has been fixed (i think) and everyone seems to have dumped their issues in this one topic.
  21. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from monkee in Bye Bye v1.4.0, Hello v1.5.0   
    v1.4.0 is officially finished and will no longer be worked on. I've now started v1.5.0!!!
    So far i've been improving old code and once i've done with the rest of the program, I will start getting all of those requests done. I've renamed v1.4.0 on the main downloads page to [sTABLE] and will also be available whilst the beta is available.
    Download BETA
    Requests and bug reports do NOT go in here, this is for general v1.5.0 discussion only!
    I've made further improvements to Win Toolkit startup. Win Toolkit roughly took upto 12 seconds to load up especially if it got stuck on 'Checking for updates'. Win Toolkit has moved that task to the background and moved another few startup items around and will now bring you the main Win Toolkit screen in less than 0.2 seconds. Quicker than me blinking!!
    In fact it was so quick, i couldn't read a single progress status before the main form appeared. If a new version appears a balloon notification will appear near your clock which you can click on to see what's new.
    How does it work?
    Previously, Win Toolkit had to wait until the update check procedure was completed before it would continue to show you the main screen. Now update checking has it's own thread which means Win Toolkit no longer has to wait for it to finish. The update checking will continue even when the main form is loaded which means you can get things done abit quicker!
    I'm also going to be experimenting with AIO Integrator eventually. Adding a few more threading maybe, so it can for example integrate drivers and updates at the same and a bunch of other stuff simultaneously!
  22. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from kirk in No SP2 for Windows 7   
    Shame, but I could always just make my own service pack.....
  23. Like
    Legolash2o reacted to Geej in 200,000 Downloads   
    Thanks for your hardwork. Keep it up.

  24. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from RicaNeaga in [Solved] Little Bug in v1.5.0.1 Test13   
    Fixed. Today has been a good day, reached 200,000 downloads and i got 100% on my programming exam i had this morning. To be fair it wasn't that difficult.
  25. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from petruwincert in Bye Bye v1.4.0, Hello v1.5.0   
    v1.4.0 is officially finished and will no longer be worked on. I've now started v1.5.0!!!
    So far i've been improving old code and once i've done with the rest of the program, I will start getting all of those requests done. I've renamed v1.4.0 on the main downloads page to [sTABLE] and will also be available whilst the beta is available.
    Download BETA
    Requests and bug reports do NOT go in here, this is for general v1.5.0 discussion only!
    I've made further improvements to Win Toolkit startup. Win Toolkit roughly took upto 12 seconds to load up especially if it got stuck on 'Checking for updates'. Win Toolkit has moved that task to the background and moved another few startup items around and will now bring you the main Win Toolkit screen in less than 0.2 seconds. Quicker than me blinking!!
    In fact it was so quick, i couldn't read a single progress status before the main form appeared. If a new version appears a balloon notification will appear near your clock which you can click on to see what's new.
    How does it work?
    Previously, Win Toolkit had to wait until the update check procedure was completed before it would continue to show you the main screen. Now update checking has it's own thread which means Win Toolkit no longer has to wait for it to finish. The update checking will continue even when the main form is loaded which means you can get things done abit quicker!
    I'm also going to be experimenting with AIO Integrator eventually. Adding a few more threading maybe, so it can for example integrate drivers and updates at the same and a bunch of other stuff simultaneously!
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