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Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL

nonno fabio

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Hi jgtoy, the file OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v7.3.0_ENU_9B898D63D04647BA1D0B898F43D51E3A.7z will have to have Hash MD5 9B898D63D04647BA1D0B898F43D51E3A as written in the name of the file itself, try downloading it again (maybe download gone wrong) or download it from MEGA



Yes! I am trying to download it from MEGA right now but for a reason I don't know why it stops at 50%. 

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Hi jgtoy, just downloaded now from Google Drive and is all OK, maybe you have problems with your internet connection




I finally managed to finish the download from MEGA and the MD5 did match this time.

Thank you for your support :prop:

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OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v7.3.0 ENU

tabdownload.png Update (9 October 2013)

tabdownload.png Update (9 October 2013)

tabdownload.png Update (9 October 2013)

tabdownload.png Update (9 October 2013)

Hash MD5 9B898D63D04647BA1D0B898F43D51E3A

Filesize: 223 MB (234434404 bytes)

This XP post-SP3 All-in-One Update Pack differs from Ryan's One, which is more customizable to your needs, as it includes by default more stuff like IE8, DX updates, all .NETs or WMP11 for an easier integration, along with official and nearly all request-only hotfixes (RyanVM's Update Pack is more selective with request-only hotfixes, which is fine): all in a few MBs and integrated in native "true" mode.

Onepiece's XP Update Pack can be used along with Nlite or RVM Integrator 1.6.1 b2.1 on a clean (untouched) XP SP3 ENU source.

From v3.5.1 XP post-SP3 AIO UpdatePack can be integrated in a XP MCE 2005 SP3 source.

Please don't ask for inclusions or exclusions: if you like a different configuration use one of the existing vanilla XP UpdatePacks with your preferred addons and you'll get your own XP disc without the need to remove anything.

However if you don't like all the additional stuff included in OnePiece's XP Update Pack, you can easily uninstall some of them from Windows Components Wizard after windows setup.

Then you can use a Run window to totally delete the components from your live system, typing this command:

rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection OPMWXPUP.inf,%Optional Components NAME%.CleanUp

Other supported switches are HIDE (removes the component from Windows Component Wizard list) and SHOW (shows the component in Windows Component Wizard list):




Alternatively, you can also disable their installation listing the one you don't like to install (but not .net 2.0!) in a Winnt.sif file (see also here), under [components] section, with an "= off" by their side. For example, if you want to disable installation of Windows Desktop Search you will add this string:


[Components]...WDSearch = off...

All the Winnt.sif optional components codes are shown below. List only those you want to disable!


BitLockerToGo = BitLocker To Go ReaderBrowserChoice = Browser ChoiceDirectX = DirectX Post-SP3 UpdateICCDSCD = Windows Feature Pack for StorageIMAPI2 = Image Mastering APIMDX = DirectX Managed CodeMSXML4 = MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser (KB2721691)MU = Microsoft UpdateNETFX30 = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 2NETFX35 = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1NETFX40 = Microsoft .NET Framework 4PowerShell = Windows PowerShellPowerShellISE = Windows PowerShell ISESilverlight = Microsoft SilverlightWDSearch = Windows Desktop SearchWgaNotify = Windows Genuine Advantage NotificationsWinRM = Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)WRMC = Windows Rights Management Client
  • Or, again, you can remove them from XP source after UpdatePack integration. Simply extract one or more of the small RVM-only addons from this suite and run a single new RVM-i integration session for every one of them on your updated source (updated 2010-05-13):

    OnePiece Remove AddOn

    tabdownload.png Update (15 September 2013)

    tabdownload.png Update (15 September 2013)

    tabdownload.png Update (15 September 2013)

    tabdownload.png Update (15 September 2013)

    tabdownload.png Update (15 September 2013)

    Hash MD5 DA14C86613DE03A83CA0833759E8FC64

    Filesize: 17.1 KB (17532 bytes)

    NB *"REMOVE" addons are RVMIntegrator-only!! the entries.ini removal values are not supported by Nlite.

    ** Please note also that, due to a RVMi limitation, Removal Addons could break XP setup if integrated in the source at once in the same RVMi session: you must run your regular integration with Nlite or RVMi then, before making the .iso, one or more additional sessions of RVMi to finish off your source with the desired removal addon.

    ***OnePiece_Remove_Windows_Management_Framework_Core_AddOn.cab removes all single WinMFC components. So if you use it, you don't need to add:




    to your integration list

    Let's recap! the right order is:

    Run RVMi and integrate Update Pack - rerun RVMi and integrate first Removal addon - rerun RVMi and integrate second Removal addon - ... - rerun RVMi and integrate last Removal addon - rerun RVMi and integrate your preferred SW - make the .iso.

    Integration side effects (not UpdatePack bugs):

    • setuperr.log will point out harmless error messages about some IE files like imgutil.dll, inetcpl.cpl, inseng.dll, mshtml.dll, msrating.dll, pngfilt.dll, occache.dll, webcheck.dll (caused by the patched Syssetup.dll used for integration and then restored with the original one). If you don't tolerate it you can integrate in addition Onepiece Repair IE8 cosmetic problems addon which does nothing else than cleaning those false errors in your setuperr.log file. Please note that in some rare configurations the integration of this "repair" addon could cause issues, so we don't suggest to use it.

      OnePiece Repair IE8 Cosmetic Problems AddOn

      tabdownload.png Updated (March 27-2009)

      Hash MD5 5C7AF8CA9F637C993F4AEEFFB63F39ED

      Filesize: 1.28 Kb

    • There's an incompatibility of new msi installer official release KB981669 with a single app of Windows Live suite, Photogallery. Microsoft hasn't fixed it yet so if you need that specific app you must revert to very old KB967756 using this addon by 5eraph.

      If you don't want to loose the new version, there's also a temporary workaround for working systems that allows you to install Photogallery in an updated XP

What's inside Onepiece's XP Update Pack: Hotfixes List

What's new in latest release: Changelog


Here you can find complete mirrors, including prerelease versions

All credits are in entries.ini file: however many, many thanks especially to RyanVM, Nuhi, Siginet and Xable.



Hi OnePiece,


You know Turkish section of this form is almost death. I want to apply your work to my Turkish xp cd. And the question is what is the best and simplest way of it.


Thank you in advance for your interest and relevance.


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Hi Detay, here UpdatePack created during the demonstration in the video tutorial above



OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v7.3.0 TRK

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)

Hash MD5 32D908EDFAA860BEA5CEDA91467C2BFB

Filesize: 225 MB (235965067 bytes)


OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v7.3.0 DEU

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)


Filesize: 225 MB (236387604 bytes)



Edited by OnePiece
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Hi Detay, here UpdatePack created during the demonstration in the video tutorial above



OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v7.3.0 TRK

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)

Hash MD5 32D908EDFAA860BEA5CEDA91467C2BFB

Filesize: 225 MB (235965067 bytes)


OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v7.3.0 DEU

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)

tabdownload.png Update (19 October 2013)


Filesize: 225 MB (236387604 bytes)






is not it too big for sp3???

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No, it isn't, is very small instead.
you must consider it includes not only around 550Mb (before "slimming down") of hotfixes/updates/files but also IE8, WMP11, DirectX update, Silverlight, all DotNets, PowerShell, Windows Desktop Search and so on. And even if every component is ready to be installed in true mode, without installer and useless files, there's a lot of stuff inside Onepiece's ALL-IN-ONE updatepacks.

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Hello everybody. I'm a bit emotional writing to you for the first time.


I'm an italian guy who's been making his own XP setups since, well, almost since xp came out.


I recently switched to OnePiece AIO update pack with good satisfaction, because it's very well made.

But I think I found a bug, a small glitch which becomes a big pita for my way of doing things.


I'm used at installing many different copies of XP on my machines (as a backup/testing/whatever).

(It just needs some lines changed in the sif and creating folders with placeholder files in the $OEM$)


I have two ways of installng Xp.


First: from a cd (or cd image mounted in a vm) - the usual "press any key to start windows setup..."


Second: from whitin a running XP I run a batch with 

cd i386\winnt32.exe /Dudisable /unattend:winnt.sif

in a folder with the same contents of the cd (or even the cd itself, but using that command line).


Well these two methods have alway been equivalent for many years (except for performance) but now they don't work the same at all any longer.


Sorry for the long introduction.

The big problem is that f I install XP from a folder (with the batch, no cd "press any key") Terminal Services don't get installed, and also I get "Setup cannot copy the file NetFx11.inf" during textmode file copy section.

Thera may be other problems, I can't tell, but TS alone is paramount. (DotNet 1.1 doesn't get installed anyway)


I think the problem is a filename casing mismatch between some inf and the files themselfes.

I'm pretty sure about this because my experience:

I once produced a cd with all filenames UPPERCASED and setup kept givin me this error. Turned off the option and all went back to normality.

Therefore I know for sure that even if the files are correctly cased on the cd (joliet fs) the textmode part of the setup can read only the lowecased ones. To be precise textmode reads only the 8.3 filenames wich are not cased the same as the Joliet filenames.


I think the other way is perfectly clear: a file is lowercased in the inf and gets read correctly when it's on the cd BECAUSE the cd driver of the textmode reports ONLY lowercased 8.3 names. BUT if the file is on a NTFS folder it gets read in a different way and setup doesn't find it.

Yes, we all now that Windows filename casing is not sensitive in general, but I'm talking of just the textmode of the setup.


Please please please pretty please, could you put an eye into it? Telling me that I'm not crazy would be great, but fixing this would be great and VERY MUCH appreciated :)

PS I do my Xp setups with Nlite and VirtualBox among other things.
My conclusion about the cd / folder question is not a matter of guessing: I've been able to reproduce it right now both in a vm and in physical.
I'm ready to make any test you want, and to translate all this stuff in Italian if needed.
I never learnt how to make addons myself but I'm going to check myself if I can find any proof of the case mismatch.
With hope
Thank yoy
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Hi Cyberchicken, Why use Update Pack ENU?, you can explain everything in  Italian here http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/3590-onepieces-windows-xp-post-sp3-update-pack-italian/



I prefer using all my software in english, traslations sucks and make debugging harder.


Actually never saw the italian thread in these years; I also use google in english :)

Do you think I *should* translate or just that I might if I want?


BTW I left off many details, but just ask! I'm using the last AIO


Thank you for the prompt response (and for the addons!!!) :)


PS I scanned the entries.ini and I found no discrepancies in file name casing but I might be wrong. It could be in some other inf.

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the last modification of XP UpdatePack dates back a long time ago and it's the same so far, only old files has been changed with newer one.

So if something worked with older pack, it must work also with the latest.

I suggest you to PM directly Onepiece (in italian) for an accurate answer

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the last modification of XP UpdatePack dates back a long time ago and it's the same so far, only old files has been changed with newer one.

So if something worked with older pack, it must work also with the latest.

I suggest you to PM directly Onepiece (in italian) for an accurate answer

It's the first time that I make serious tests with OnePiece's AIO pack. I was using Ryan's and Xable's before.

Also the conditions which cause the malfunctioning are a bit hidden.

I'm gathering some more data (setup logfiles) and writing to OnePiece.

Thank you Fabio!

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the last modification of XP UpdatePack dates back a long time ago and it's the same so far, only old files has been changed with newer one.

So if something worked with older pack, it must work also with the latest.

I suggest you to PM directly Onepiece (in italian) for an accurate answer

It's the first time that I make serious tests with OnePiece's AIO pack. I was using Ryan's and Xable's before.

Also the conditions which cause the malfunctioning are a bit hidden.

I'm gathering some more data (setup logfiles) and writing to OnePiece.

Thank you Fabio!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


I'm trying to understand how to install this.

I reached this page from Google, then searched around.

I found so many tools, like the Ryan integrator and the DX Universal UpdatePack.

I really can't understand what is necessary and what is optional.


I just need to create an iso with sp3 and the fixes that came out after it.

This pack seems to have all updates I need, and various other nice things.

I don't need to customize anything, and I don't need MCE.


These are my questions.

Will this work for both an English or an Italian iso without change?

Will this work for both home and professional without change?

How do I create an updated iso (easy way)?



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I'm trying to understand how to install this.

I reached this page from Google, then searched around.

I found so many tools, like the Ryan integrator and the DX Universal UpdatePack.

I really can't understand what is necessary and what is optional.


I just need to create an iso with sp3 and the fixes that came out after it.

This pack seems to have all updates I need, and various other nice things.

I don't need to customize anything, and I don't need MCE.


These are my questions.

Will this work for both an English or an Italian iso without change?

Will this work for both home and professional without change?

How do I create an updated iso (easy way)?



 what if you first introduced yourself as a first post , to show you need help and grateful to be here after you googled?

That will be a good sign

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Is the update KB2892734 replaces KB951624 because it replaced KB951830?


KB2892734 does not replace KB951624, KB951830 is obsolete from April\May 2008

[KB951830.AddReg]	HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KBKB951830", "Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KBKB951830)"	HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KBKB951830", "InstalledBy", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%"	HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KBKB951830", "InstalledDate", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%"	HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KBKB951830", "Type", %REG_SZ%, "Update"	HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KBKB951830\Filelist\0", "FileName", %REG_SZ%, "ipnathlp.dll"	HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KBKB951830\Filelist\0", "Version", %REG_SZ%, "5.1.2600.5584"	HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KBKB951830\Filelist\0", "BuildDate", %REG_SZ%, "Mon Apr 21 19:44:18 2008"	HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KBKB951830\Filelist\0", "BuildCheckSum", %REG_SZ%, "55ac2"	HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KBKB951830\Filelist\0", "Location", %REG_SZ%, "%11%"	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830", "Backup Dir", %REG_SZ%, ""	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830", "Comments", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KBKB951830)"	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830", "Fix Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KBKB951830)"	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830", "Installed", %REG_DWORD%, "1"	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830", "Installed By", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%"	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830", "Installed On", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%"	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830", "Service Pack", %REG_DWORD%, %SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830", "Valid", %REG_DWORD%, "1"	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830\File 1", "Flags", %REG_SZ%, ""	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830\File 1", "New File", %REG_SZ%, ""	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830\File 1", "New Link Date", %REG_SZ%, ""	HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KBKB951830\File 1", "Old Link Date", %REG_SZ%, ""

to say more good has never existed ;)since in that time is released the SP3 ehh and KB951624, UpdatePacks describes everything very well in detail, see OPMWXPUP.inf



[KB951624.AddReg]    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624", "Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB951624)"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624", "InstalledBy", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624", "InstalledDate", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624", "Type", %REG_SZ%, "Update"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624\Filelist\0", "FileName", %REG_SZ%, "ipnathlp.dll"    ;OBSOLETE    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624\Filelist\0", "Version", %REG_SZ%, "5.1.2600.5589"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624\Filelist\0", "BuildDate", %REG_SZ%, "Mon Apr 28 16:07:46 2008"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624\Filelist\0", "BuildCheckSum", %REG_SZ%, "6079F"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624\Filelist\0", "Location", %REG_SZ%, "%11%"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624\Filelist\1", "FileName", %REG_SZ%, "hnetcfg.dll"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624\Filelist\1", "Version", %REG_SZ%, "5.1.2600.5589"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624\Filelist\1", "BuildDate", %REG_SZ%, "Mon Apr 28 16:07:46 2008"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624\Filelist\1", "BuildCheckSum", %REG_SZ%, "5B1B0"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB951624\Filelist\1", "Location", %REG_SZ%, "%11%"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624", "Backup Dir", %REG_SZ%, ""    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624", "Comments", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB951624)"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624", "Fix Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB951624)"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624", "Installed", %REG_DWORD%, "1"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624", "Installed By", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624", "Installed On", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624", "Service Pack", %REG_DWORD%, %SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624", "Valid", %REG_DWORD%, "1"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624\File 1", "Flags", %REG_SZ%, ""    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624\File 1", "New File", %REG_SZ%, ""    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624\File 1", "New Link Date", %REG_SZ%, ""    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB951624\File 1", "Old Link Date", %REG_SZ%, ""[KB2892734.AddReg]    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB2892734", "Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB2892734)"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB2892734", "InstalledBy", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB2892734", "InstalledDate", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB2892734", "Type", %REG_SZ%, "Update"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB2892734\Filelist\0", "FileName", %REG_SZ%, "ipnathlp.dll"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB2892734\Filelist\0", "Version", %REG_SZ%, "5.1.2600.6454"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB2892734\Filelist\0", "BuildDate", %REG_SZ%, "Wed Sep 25 10:53:53 2013"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB2892734\Filelist\0", "BuildCheckSum", %REG_SZ%, "55abc"    HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB2892734\Filelist\0", "Location", %REG_SZ%, "%11%"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734", "Backup Dir", %REG_SZ%, ""    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734", "Comments", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB2892734)"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734", "Fix Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB2892734)"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734", "Installed", %REG_DWORD%, "1"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734", "Installed By", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734", "Installed On", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734", "Service Pack", %REG_DWORD%, %SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734", "Valid", %REG_DWORD%, "1"    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734\File 1", "Flags", %REG_SZ%, ""    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734\File 1", "New File", %REG_SZ%, ""    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734\File 1", "New Link Date", %REG_SZ%, ""    HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB2892734\File 1", "Old Link Date", %REG_SZ%, ""


Edited by OnePiece
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