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Posts posted by mooms

  1. I've installed SFX_WinRAR_x64_6.01-fr.exe in a virtual machine, no issue and the classic theme is active on first launch:



    As I said, your issue is likely caused because the environment for the user is not yet created when the SFX is executed.


    In WinRAR_SFX_Maker.cmd change set addon=0 to set addon=1

    Run the maker as usual with your themes put in Themes folder.

    Run the created SFX with the -ai switch, that will copy the setup in %ALLUSERSPROFILE% then launch it on the next reboot, when the first user is already created.

  2. Version 21.04.14

    • AppCompatibilityView v1.06
    • AppNetworkCounter v1.42
    • CrystalDiskInfo 8.12.0
    • Don't Sleep 8.11
    • GPU-Z v2.38.0
    • HWiNFO64 v7.02
    • LiveTcpUdpWatch v1.35
    • PingInfoView v2.15
    • QuickSetDNS v1.31 + trad. fr
    • TaskSchedulerView v1.67
    • UninstallView v1.41
    • WizTree 3.38


  3. Indeed, I think your ISO is corrupted, as I have different hashes:


      Nom: Win10_20H2_v2_French_x64.iso
      CRC-32: d7db0bbb
         MD5: 4e8c130acbfcf51f5a139d9999310788
       SHA-1: 0e02044a25f830ef5f1de335dfe16370b000d12f
     SHA-256: 768638760180cac5a38bbf91638ad58479ffce0fd310abe3e428b92d0ecc715c
     SHA-512: d43716d288df8ae80fc6a1cf809ade36ef8b3e89f447d7a6b7769a0cac4dc8d5fc9cf4daa1120f6e8ca77fde930e9de79099e771ab3e2536f42d286fe3f53d8e

    Which correspond to this ISO: https://www.heidoc.net/php/myvsdump_details.php?id=p6852f95599ax64lfr

    You should download it again.

    If you have a slow connection, you should use a download manager, like Jdownloader2.

  4. Version 21.02.17


    • Ajout de FFMpeg pour Screentogif (sous la forme d'un SFX facultatif)
    • Ajout de Gifski et SharpDX pour ScreenToGif
    • AppCompatibilityView v1.05 + trad. fr
    • CPU-Z 1.95
    • CrystalDiskInfo 8.11.1
    • CrystalDiskMark 8.0.1
    • Don't Sleep 7.91
    • HWiNFO 6.42
    • LiveTcpUdpWatch v1.34
    • Process Monitor v3.61
    • TaskSchedulerView v1.66
    • WizTree 3.36
  5. J'ai utilisé le script de cette page pour faire une ISO all in one (de la version Starter à Entreprise !) de Windows 7 avec Simplix, des addons Wintoolkit (DirectX, DotNet 4.8, et les runtimes VC++), des programmes, pilotes et tweaks.

    MDL Win 7 Tool for SiMPLiX UpdatePack AiO ISO (with install.wim/esd) Creation

    Avantage par rapport à Wintoolkit: permet très facilement de faire une image AiO (toutes éditions) en "upgradant" l'image Starter vers toutes les autres éditions (pas besoin d'intégrer les mises à jour dans chaque image contrairement à Wintoolkit).

    Le script utilise le boot.wim de Windows 10 (modifié pour ressembler à celui de 7), ainsi on peut démarrer le setup sur une clé USB reliée à un port USB3 sans avoir à y intégrer des drivers, et on peut utiliser la compression ESD pour obtenir une image plus petite.

    Il faut juste lui fournir une iso de Win7, une de Win10, et le pack simplix. Le reste est facultatif.

    setupcomplete.cmd est géré (j'ai utilisé celui-ci pour lancer les tweaks et installer les programmes au premier démarrage).


    What the tool does:
    - Extracts the source iso's
    - Creates an iso with boot.wim from win 10, 
    acting and looking like win 7 and can handle install.esd 
    (can only be used for clean installs from boot)
    - Inserts the correct ei.cfg
    - Inserts the $OEM$ folder in "iso:\sources" 
    (Optional, only when you put files in the "OEM" project folder, 
    the $OEM$ folder will be copied to the "ISO\Sources\" folder)
    - Extracts and adds DaRT 7 to winre.wim
    - Integrates USB3.x drivers in winre.wim (indirectly in install.wim too)
    - Integrates nVME drivers in winre.wim and install.wim (optional)
    - Integrates (W)Lan drivers in Winre.wim and Install.wim (optional)
    - Uses Simplix updatepack for updating install.wim
    - Creates all other/desired sku's* from the Win 7 MSDN RETAIL source ISO
    - Compresses the install.wim to install.esd if desired (optional)
    - Saves the ISO.


    The saved iso is capable of:

    - Legacy BIOS (x86 & x64) and UEFI booting (x64 and needs CSM enabled)
    - Boots on USB3.x ports
    - Contains MS DaRT 7** in Winre.wim (package nicked from MSMG Toolkit)
    - Fits on FAT32 formatted USB keys (boots UEFI and Legacy BIOS)
    - Fits on standard DVD5
    - Has all the benefits and options Simplix UpdatePack offers


    The saved iso is NOT capable of:

    - ISO can't be used for upgrades


    List of the created SKU's:


    - Starter
    - HomeBasic
    - HomePremium
    - Professional
    - Ultimate
    - Enterprise (no need to provide a win 7 Enterprise source ISO anymore!)


    - Starter
    - HomeBasic
    - HomePremium
    - Professional
    - Ultimate
    - Enterprise (no need to provide a win 7 Enterprise source ISO anymore!)


  6. Version 20.12.16


    • Désinstallation revue: utilisation de taskkill plutôt que pskill: un exécutable en moins, et moins de faux-positifs chez les AV. Le programme de désinstallation est désormais stocké dans le dossier des utilitaires.
    • CrystalDiskInfo 8.9.0
    • CrystalDiskMark 8.0.0a
    • Don't Sleep 7.67
    • GPU-Z v2.36.0
    • HWMonitor 1.43
    • HWiNFO 6.40
    • Resource Hacker
    • Rufus 3.13
    • TaskSchedulerView v1.65
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