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Status Updates posted by AMIRZ

  1. i miss u mom...

  2. I miss u mom...

  3. Hello sasford, thank you for adding me as a friend, cheerz :)

  4. Ur welcome thanks :)

  5. Ur welcome mate thx :)

  6. Btw Wincert should also have separate/special subforum for discussion and anything related to Metal lol, sorry JMTC here hehehe :P

  7. AMIRZ

    Oh sorry pardon me, i thought she was your son N1K lol haha. Yea she looks so cute. :) Anyway keep up the great job N1K Wincert is really awesome site, many many thanks :)

  8. AMIRZ

    The new skin looks great! Btw is your son in the pic N1K? He looks so cute :)

  9. Lol at my new pic, very sad hahahahaha wtf

  10. Oh maybe the link is already dead? Maybe you can find it here: http://www.4shared.com/dir/14281223/d52c5ee5/All_Vista_Games_For_Xp.html

  11. Bentar lagi Minal Aidin.

    Anyway life must go on... :)

  12. Wah sya seneng punya temen indon dsini, btw emang nih forum useful bwt yg ska ngutak ngatik kompi hehe

  13. Wah seneng saya ktemu sesama indon disini hehe thanks - Amirz

  14. Dari Indonesia juga ya mas? Salam kenal - Amirz

  15. Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan, i'm still fasting and waiting for 1 Syawal haha :)

  16. Oh 1 more by the way to temen2 Wincert dari Indonesia dan yg kebetulan lagi baca ini abis dari Google hehe: Dirgahayu RI ke 64, semoga Indonesia dan rakyatnya kita semua tambah sukses dan jaya dan jauh dari musibah2 dan kejahatan2 kayak bom, Amin! OK Cya. N slamat puasa juga yach

  17. Agreed hehe oh also old friends = brothers, so thanks Bro very appreciated :)

  18. AMIRZ

    Thanks for the upgrade Bro (final) it looks better now :)

  19. Wow the forum upgrade is cool!

  20. Keep up the great work Komalo! Best Regards - Amirz :)

  21. Hello Tincho_sk8 Thanks for adding me as your friend mate, it means alot for me, very appreciated :) - Best regards Amirz

  22. Jakarta Timur (Cawang) boss

  23. Mas saya dari Jakarta, Indonesia tepatnya Jakarta Timur (Cawang). Senang ktemu sodara stanah air sini. Salam Kenal -


  24. smile.gif Thanx alot for your contribution to upload them mate. I also hope more people can download and enjoy them on Xp.

    Regards, Amirz smile.gif

  25. You are the God's messenger for Xp-Vista transformation lover! You have been my inspiration, thx for your great contribution!


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