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[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)

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ULs mises à jour. En dehors du Rollup mensuel précédent, aucune autre mise à jour n'est remplacée. Cela fait plusieurs mois que cela dure, je ne pense pas que la liste s'allège pour les 6 mois restants...

Edited by rhahgleuhargh
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  • 3 weeks later...


Since we will probably only be making 7 more iso's for win 7 (ending 1/14/20) is there any program or procedure that I can use to make a similar so called slipstreamed disk for a NEW Win 10 install? I don't believe WTK is capable? Some google searches suggest Nlite. Win 10 installations are pretty much straight forward but I would like the questions at the end to be automated such as choosing KB, additional KB layout, wifi network, cortana choosing an offline or Microsoft account and the tailoring of yes/no options.


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The same case for me : I just do an integration including my tweaks at month + 1 for my migration. With cumulative updates every 2 weeks, updating UL and/or ISO is boring !

For 10 there are only 4 updates (2 cumulative updates for .net FW and security, one service stack update, and Flash Player update), it's really more simpler than 7.

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5 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


ULs mises à jour.

Changelog de ce mois-ci :

Security Monthly Quality Rollup : KB4507449 remplace KB4503292 et KB2966583 (classic)


DNF 3.5.1 : KB4507004 remplace KB4495606



thank you

much appreciated!



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Merci rhahgleuhargh

Question:  WUD me retélécharge toutes les KB chaque mois malgré qu'il détecte bien qu'elle sont présentes (icônes vertes) et m'efface bien celle devenus inutiles.

C'est normal ou il y a un bug ?



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Hi Mooms,

just tested (same settings):

if I do not check a box it doesn't download anything, no matter which color.

If I check  a green box it downloads all what is under this box, no matter If already present.

KBs not present in the UL (superseded) will be deleted.

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A titre personnel, lors de la mise à jour des KB, je n'ai toujours coché que celles qui ont été modifiées (donc uniquement celles qui apparaissent en gris lorsque je sélectionne la catégorie "common Convenience..."

Je pense qu'effectivement si tu coches tout par défaut le programme va tout retélécharger à chaque fois. Bug ou défaut du programme, je l'ignore, effectivement c'est à améliorer car peu pratique ! Je ne pense pas que WUD soit encore maintenu.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/26/2019 at 11:53 PM, Thiersee said:

Oh, et depuis la v1.7.0.7 : 


* NEW: All-In-One Integrator > Silent Installs + SFX > .vbs Script Support
* Updated WinToolkitRunOnce.exe to v1.5.4.5 for .vbs Scripts

Ca pourrait être utile pour masquer les mises à jour indésirables sans le maker ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Voici le changelog du mois :

Security Monthly Quality Rollup : KB4512506 remplace KB4507449, KB2563227, KB2732487, KB2763523 (classic)

KB4474419 V2 remplace KB4474419

Le temps de finir les tests, j'uploade les ULs mis à jour d'ici 48h.

EDIT : ça y est !

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Thiersee I read it on my android smart phone yesterday. My Samsung phone has a news feed called briefing. It was in the technology section, but not there today. It mainly affects users whose applications use visual basic. 

Try and google Microsoft august 2019 visual basic bug...


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5 hours ago, Thiersee said:

Do you have some links?

I do not have any issues.



I received a BSOD on Win 7 recently (after Aug updates) when running an Office application, haven't had BSOD in several years. Related? I dunno. 

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16 minutes ago, Pink_Freud said:


I received a BSOD on Win 7 recently (after Aug updates) when running an Office application, haven't had BSOD in several years. Related? I dunno. 

If it happens again before a fix is released I would uninstall the august updates. Then see what happens...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Since Win7 is winding down many of us will be transitioning to win10. I have a question about using WTK with win10. I realize this is not the appropriate blog for win 10 so after any answers plz direct me to the correct blog, if any. I made my first iso yesterday. I used the latest win10 updates downloaded from the msfn website. everything went quite well except ACTIVATION. I am getting the impression the autounattend file does not work with wtk and win 10 because activation fails not matter what I tried. I changed the s/n that the autounattend file suggests for the home edition (TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99). I also have it set to skip autoactivation. While that s/n does not work, if I were to uncheck the s/n field (you must have a number in it) then the installation fails along the way.

having the autounattend file has its advantages. I only have to answer the KB layout question(s} and I think 1 or 2 others.

Is there a way around this without eliminating the file altogether?

update: forgot to mention I have been doing this on a VM. It did not work from a brand new install of win 10 on the VM. I then used my win 7 disk, formatted and installed the VM. I then activated win 7. I went into win 7 and did the upgrade that way from within. SAME ISSUE. \

I then went to an entirely different desktop win 7 machine and installed a second HD (making it the boot drive). I used my win 10 iso disk with the autounattend and SAME ISSUE. I am now back on the 1st machine's vm using an iso with NO autounattend file. SAME ISSUE but message now says no product key found. I am using the win 10_64 file downloaded from the heidoc.net site. When I have used that file WITHOUT WTK changes it has always worked.


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The S/N generic key for 10 Home Edition you used is the good one. For 10 I prefer to use an unattended file generated here, it is more complete than the one provided by WTK, and you won't have to answer to any question. I uselly do my tests with a Pro edition, I add to the "source" folder of the ISO an ei.cfg file that forces system to install the required Edition (in an untouched ISO all Editions are present, ie Home, Pro, S, etc...). In your case, content of ei.cfg should be :



Just open Notepad, copy these lines, and save it as ei.cfg

Activation is a quite different thing. Starting from 7 it's possible to obtain a legacy 10 activation for a real machine that is already activated, check here. I don't know if this method works in VMs, I never tested it in VMs because the grace period offered with generic key is enough for testing purpose. The other ways to activate 10 without a serial key are not legal.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh
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1 hour ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


The S/N generic key for 10 Home Edition you used is the good one. For 10 I prefer to use an unattended file generated here, it is more complete than the one provided by WTK, and you won't have to answer to any question. I uselly do my tests with a Pro edition, I add to the "source" folder of the ISO an ei.cfg file that forces system to install the required Edition (in an untouched ISO all Editions are present, ie Home, Pro, S, etc...). In your case, content of ei.cfg should be :

  Hide contents


Just open Notepad, copy these lines, and save it as ei.cfg

Activation is a quite different thing. Starting from 7 it's possible to obtain a legacy 10 activation for a real machine that is already activated, check here. I don't know if this method works in VMs, I never tested it in VMs because the grace period offered with generic key is enough for testing purpose. The other ways to activate 10 without a serial key are not legal.

yes I have used the WAFG file that you link to. For unknown reasons my installation fails using that. I have changed the key in that file to the correct win 10 key (home) and changed my answers from Australia to united states. All other questions were left as defaults. I get the error, "WINDOWS COULD NOT BE INSTALLED ON THIS COMPUTER. TO INSTALL WINDOWS ON THIS COMPUTER RESTART THE INSTALLATION." This occurs during the "getting ready" screen.

That error is just another issue at this point. Activation is my main issue. WTK with the autounattend file works perfectly for me except for activation. I get all the updates installed, files I need onto the desktop, win 10 tweaks and I only have to answer the 3 kb layout questions. If it were to activate I am a very happy camper. 

UPDATE: I just tried using the win 10 home version from heidoc website with no changes on my VM and it also will NOT activate. At this point it's possible the VM is the issue. However from what I read it should not matter if using a vm as long as the vm had an activated win 7 OS on prior. You should be able to upgrade or do a new clean install of win 10. I have an activated win 7 home premium machine in my basement. I'll change the HD and install win 10 home. Theoretically it should activate with a digital license. I cant do it till tonite. will report back then.



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