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[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)

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2 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


I did the test and this update is not cleaned after deep-clean (as many others since the new cumulative update patch system). I've reuploaded ULs with KB3210131.

WU is really a calamity !

I'm trying to keep up with your discussion with thiersee. You say you have re-uploaded the may UL's. is this kb3210131 necessary (or not) if using convenience method and IE11 English version?


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40 minutes ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

I'm trying to keep up with your discussion with thiersee. You say you have re-uploaded the may UL's. is this kb3210131 necessary (or not) if using convenience method and IE11 English version?

No, it isn't and in the UL is named "for NON ENGLISH Systems ONLY"; just have a look at link I posted yesterday ;).

Edited by Thiersee
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4 hours ago, Thiersee said:

No, it isn't and in the UL is named "for NON ENGLISH Systems ONLY"; just have a look at link I posted yesterday ;).

Thiersee UNDERSTOOD. however in the re-loaded may 13 UL's the kb3210131 is in the main category of convenience updates (44 of them). If we using the English version do we have to go into that main category and "uncheck" kb3210131. Usually you check the category you need  and you're ready to DL. What if we forget and it gets installed? Will it cause us any problems?


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12 minutes ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

Thiersee UNDERSTOOD. however in the re-loaded may 13 UL's the kb3210131 is in the main category of convenience updates (44 of them). If we using the English version do we have to go into that main category and "uncheck" kb3210131. Usually you check the category you need  and you're ready to DL. What if we forget and it gets installed? Will it cause us any problems?


If you install it in your english system it should be cleaned up by the next one (this update contain language files for non english systems that are not present in may cumulative update and these files are not selected when KB3210131 is installed in your language), so it's not important. The next cumulative DNF3.5.1 update will perhaps superseed it.

Just to be sure : if you proceeded to an installation between december and april, has this update been removed in your deep-clean log in may ?

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3 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:

If you install it in your english system it should be cleaned up by the next one (this update contain language files for non english systems that are not present in may cumulative update and these files are not selected when KB3210131 is installed in your language), so it's not important. The next cumulative DNF3.5.1 update will perhaps superseed it.

Just to be sure : if you proceeded to an installation between december and april, has this update been removed in your deep-clean log in may ?

From memory ( I'm out to dinner now) my latest may iso on vm deep clean was kb2534111


Edited by pennsylvaniaron
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On 10.5.2017 at 10:57 PM, rhahgleuhargh said:


I just made a test with new UL, and IE 11 KB2987107 is asked in my case !

Hiding these updates makes older ones asked by WU, so it's better to only ignore them as recommended by abbodi1406.


Seems it depends on, how Windows has been installed (Classic or Convenience)...

I just updated PC in Italy (installed 2013!) and KB2987107 has not been requested.

On all other PCs (Convenience install) has been requested.

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1 hour ago, abbodi1406 said:


regarding KB3210131 and few other .NET 3.5.1 updates


3032655, 3096436, 3142024 are not needed at all
3210131 is needed only without CR KB3125574 method

Thank you Master for these infos !

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j'ai l'erreur suivante :  j'utilise la version avec win 7 premuim home :


DISM failed. No operation was performed. 
For more information, review the log file.

The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log


An error occurred whilst integrating an update!
Microsoft Windows [version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits r�serv�s.

C:\DISMTool\Appz\W7Toolkit>chcp 65001


C:\DISMTool\Appz\W7Toolkit>"C:\Windows\System32\Dism.exe"  /Image:"C:\WinToolkit_Mount_2FB05549811727DCEC5FFD350DAE8D53" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\DISMTool\updates\4-Windows6.1-KB3172605-
x64.msu" /ScratchDir:"C:\Temp\Nouveau dossier\WinToolkit_Temp\ScratchDir_FF22A41EEC597EEA7503C3A118F8BF71" /English

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Image Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package C:\DISMTool\updates\4-Windows6.1-KB3172605-x64.msu
C:\DISMTool\updates\4-Windows6.1-KB3172605-x64.msu: An error occurred applying the Unattend.xml file from the .msu package.
For more information, review the log file.
 Error: 0x800736b5

Error: 14005

DISM failed. No operation was performed. 
For more information, review the log file.

The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log






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La KB4019990 nécessaire pour installer le DNF 4.7 est maintenant incluse dans la KB4019265 facultative de la semaine dernière.
Elle sera donc incluse dans la mise à jour Security Monthly Quality Rollup du mois de Juin.
Je pourrai donc la supprimer de mon SFX.


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Bonjour à tous,

J'ai mis à jour mon iso de Windows 7 x64 SP1 (anglais) en y intégrant les dernières nouveautés (UL x64 17 mai 2017).

J'en ai également profité pour intégrer le DNF v4.7 (ricktendo) + KB4019990.

En jetant un oeil dans le Event Viewer, je me rends compte qu'il y a des dizaines d'erreurs de ce type :

  • .NET Runtime Optimization Service (2.0.50727.5485) - Version or flavor did not match with repository: Microsoft.MediaCenter
  • .NET Runtime Optimization Service (2.0.50727.5485) - Version or flavor did not match with repository: ehshell
  • .NET Runtime Optimization Service (2.0.50727.5485) - Version or flavor did not match with repository: Microsoft.ApplicationId.Framework
  • ...

Est-ce que quelqu'un saurait de quel côté chercher ? Est-ce lié à l'intégration du DNF v4.7, ou plutôt d'une mise à jour ?

Merci à vous :)

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L'erreur .Net Runtime laisse effectivement à penser que c'est lié au DNF4.7. As-tu bien intégré en premier KB4019990 avant le DNF. J'utilise la version d'icare (en Fr) pas de souci avec. Sinon tu peux patienter pour la prochaine mise à jour cumulative qui comprendra normalement cette mise à jour supplémentaire.

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Merci pour ta réponse.

Effectivement, l'hypothèse DNF 4.7 se confirme. En essayant d'installer Molotov.tv, j'ai eu droit à une belle erreur "D3DCompiler_47.dll".

J'ai certainement foiré quelque part dans l'intégration de la KB4019990, car elle n’apparaît pas dans les mises à jour et pourtant elle est bien dans mon dossier d'intégration...

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  • 2 weeks later...


Une seule mise à jour ce mois-ci : KB4022719 remplace KB4019264. Je n'ai pas encore cherché les éventuelles mises à jour supprimées, mais les Deep-clean tant en classic qu'avec le Convenience Rollup Pack n'ont rien donné.

A noter que le DNF 4.7 est proposé de manière officielle.

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46 minutes ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


A noter que le DNF 4.7 est proposé de manière officielle.

And KB4019990 (prerequisite for NET-FW 4.7) should not be necessary anymore (read on an italian forum).


Deep-Clean x86 (VM): no single KBs uninstalled, only Package for RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7601.23797.1.3 suprseded - uninstalled

Edited by Thiersee
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je confirme que le DNF 4.7 est maintenant officiel. Toutefois, si le DNF 4.6.2 est installé, WU s'en contente.

Concernant la KB4019990, mes tests sont plus compliqués que prévu et donc,je n'ai pas encre d'opinion.

La version  2017-05 est à jour (2017-05a en 64 bits).


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  • 2 weeks later...


MS has released a fix for IE11, KB4032782; my windows does not request it (yet); no idea, if they will be in the next rollup.

Links from WHD (abbodi1406):


Have a nice week end.

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