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Everything posted by Gorki

  1. Topic moved to appropriate section. Good work!
  2. Whohoo.....I feel like youngster here! :sweatingbullets: Happy Birthday Mr. Kel...
  3. sorry mate..there where some problems regarding forum php code... It's fixed now... Please check the first post again
  4. :icon_cool: ummm... you where saying... Enjoy! And for the record..this is my first addon with CPL shortcut
  5. Topic moved to appropriate section. Can you please provide any program link of above mentioned program?
  6. Sorry for temporary dead download link, seams like mediafire was having some problems. It's all working now. Enjoy. Done! :icon_cool:
  7. Winamp 5.5 DAEMON Tools V4.10HE w/ SPTD V1.50 (requires forum registratio for downloading switchles installer)
  8. Yep I bumped on this site once before..over year ago...when I still have enaugh time to play few games...It's quite interesanting.
  9. happy Birthday N1K... Sorry for delay..I was away for the weekend...
  10. Updated...see first post for more details
  11. Gorki

    My new Rig

    whohooo..now we're talking...That baby will roll UT3 like devil itself!
  12. Yep I noticed that..and cooler avatar too :thumbsup_anim: I might register there also...
  13. I just tried Rogues .net runtimes and I bumped on problems... I used ScriptPackAddonsRogueSpearsRuntimesPart2_1.3.4 (runs via svcpack) and RogueSpearAddonsRuntimesCF_2.7.1 (triggers via ROEx). Sidebar crushes just after logon... However I did not try using ScriptPackAddonsRogueSpearsRuntimesPart2_1.3.4 only since I don't see any benefits over net.3 and all that comes with it... :sleeping: If that does not work I'm reverting back with good old Ryan's AIO pack... :icon_cool:
  14. Gorki


    Cheers prolix69 :welcome:
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